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NQR- if you have a dog in your life you will love this

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Happy News:

Seven years ago I saw this dog posted on petfinders. Randy and I drove all the way into NY City ASPCA and adopted her. Chloe was my shadow. She went with me everywhere and was even welcome in some of the business in town. The kids didn't look for me, they looked for Chloe, they knew I wasn't far.

Sad News:

3 months ago Chloe was poisned with rat poison. It was put in our yard by the man next door. He wrapped it in bacon and when I put her out she had most of it eatten before I could get her off of it. She became very ill but we were able to pull her through the rough part. But, saddly she never fully recovered. So, it was with heavy heart that I had to put my 4 legged friend to sleep. Silly how our pets leave such paw prints on our hearts. I cried for days. The guy admitted to to the poison. He told the police, "he was trying to kill the cats and did not mean to hurt the dog". His hearing was last week and he was charged. He has to pay all of Chloe's vet bills, do 7 days in jail, pay a $3000 fine and do 1000 hours at our local ASPCA.


Last Wed. there was a Knock at the door. It was the man who had poisned Chloe. He came to say how very sorry he was for what he had done and could I ever forgive him? A tear ran down his cheek. I explained how much he had hurt me and that it would take time but yes I would be able to forgive him. Then he went to his car and opened the back door grabbed a bright purple leash and at the end of it was the prettiest black lab I have ever seen. He handed me the leash and said, "Her name is Maggie, and she is yours" I started to shake. LOL Maggie is AMAZING!! she is just 2 years old and was brought into the shelter last Monday. Maggie was a service dog, her owner had passed away. The family had tried to keep her but felt she was to depressed with out a job to do. She was greaving for her loss as I was for mine. But now, the two of us are healing, and it is amazing. LOL she is the best dog. I have never owned a Lab, so this will be an adventure. LOL You know what they say about Labs? They chew till their two and shed till their dead. LOL There is only one word that sums it all up LOVE!!


I just had to share.

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Wow you just are amazing. The power of forgiveness is amazing and I just can't imagine that man showing up on my doorstep. I'm so amazed at your kind heart. Maggie is beautiful and I am so happy that you have a new friend. I have no doubt Maggie will be well loved and cared for and help fill that empty place in your heart for Chloe.

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Dear Penny, What a great outcome. I just had to put my little brussles griffon to sleep. She was 18. It broke my heart. The same day Abby went to be with my dad a little brindle french bulldog female was born. Her name is Ruby Grace and she is a most special little soul. I cannot imagine my life without her. Blessing to you and you wonderful new BFF.


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Thanks for sharing your story. I am so sorry you lost your beloved Chloe. Bless you for forgiving your neighbor and what an amazing turn of events. Enjoy Maggie...she's adorable! Labs are great dogs. They have so much personality! If she was a service dog then she's well trained. I wish you many happy years together!

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Oh how our 4 legged friends touch our souls. Thank you for sharing your story. It is often through another that God helps heal us. I love Maggie, she is adorable. I am so sorry for the loss of Chloe but now you can start to heal. I had a Golden Retriever for 16 years. When she died I said I wouldn't get another dog. I cried and cried. But there was a huge hole in my heart. I really missed my greeting when I came in the door. Then one day I was passing by the pet store and there was a 3 year old Golden needing a good home. We called immediately and went to pick her up. She's not Ellie but Goldie is a sweet girl and I love her. Again, thanks for sharing your story.

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Maggie is a beautiful dog and it's wonderful that she has a new opportunity at a loving home. I however could never forgive this guy for shortening Chloe's days of happiness. For him to use the excuse that he was trying to kill cats and not your dog just doesn't cut it with me. Cats are living creatures as well. What a twisted mind he must have to take the time to deliberately hurt innocent creatures. I'm glad he's not my neighbor.

I have a dog also from NYC. He was rescued from a shelter where he was given 3 days to be adopted before he was put down. This is common practice in NYC due to over crowding. I have his shelter papers they state "date in 4/1/09", "date due out 4/4/09".

My Brady is a Mastiff/lab mix, one of the most devoted, smartest dogs that I have ever owned. Follows me everywhere. I am so greatful to Waggin Train Dog Rescue of NYC for saving him (His picture is on their site after he gained 40+ lbs). They pull some of the worse case dogs to rescue that otherwise wouldn't have a chance. It's amazing the way these guys just creep right into our hearts.

I hope you have many years of happiness with Maggie, she's beautiful.


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Your story gave me chills for what happened to your sweet baby, and then goose bumps when I read the ending. Oh my, I still have goose bumps! What a wonderful ending to a horrible story. Bless you for forgiving that man for what he did. My "Noodle Boy" is next to me right now, and little "Weeble" is working her way up the stairs.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful ending and please give a hug to Maggie from me.

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Penny that was a wonderful story. Forgiving is so hard in that kind of situation. I have a rescue Scottie. He is my loyal shadow. Even now he is asleep behind my chair. He is getting old so he sleeps a lot but always near me. I think that your neighbor must be learning a lot for his community service.


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This should come with a tissue warning because the tears are just streaming down my face.

What a story. So many emotions involved. I'm sorry for your loss, but happy you have another 4 legged friend to share life with. My dogs have been considerered my "kids", and I don't know what I'd do without having a dog in my life. Thanks for sharing your story.

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Penny, I cried reading your story. What the man did was unforgivable but you did it. Now you can heal and go on to love your new baby. In 1990 I found a baby Lhasa Apso at an abandoned building who we named Happy. She was very happy and she made every one who knew her happy. She liked everyone but she loved me. She passed away in 2000 and I still cry from time to time because I miss her so. I have 2 precious dogs (family members) now and I love them but Happy stole my heart and never gave it back. I know she is waiting at the front gates of Heaven for me with her pink tongue out and her tale wagging. They say time heals but sometimes not so much. I will think of you and hope you can shower this new baby will all the love you have.....

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Wow Penny - what a story. I hope Chloe's memories will heal your heart. It must have been so hard to look at that man when he came to your door. If it were me - I'm afraid I would have slammed it in his face.

I bet your glad you allowed him to apologize. What a cutie your Maggie is. My dog, Frannie is a yellow lab - and they are right that they chew til 2 & shed til dead. They are also bent on making you happy, very smart and a constant source of positive energy. 'I know she will prove to be worth every push of the vacuum. Enjoy her!

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Oh my goodness, I have cried through this entire thread. Your story, Penny, is both shocking and amazing. I am so glad you were able to forgive that man, not for him, but for you. I am so sorry that you lost your sweet Chloe, what an awful shock. I'm trying to imagine what that man must be thinking now (obviously he wasn't thinking earlier). Your Maggie is absolutely gorgeous, love her smile, and I'm so glad the two of you can heal each other, while your hearts fall in love. Thanks so much for sharing your story.

Somebody please pass me some tissues......

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That is such a terrific story and so good that your neighbor not only admitted to his mistake, but took full responsibility. So sad that you lost your beloved Chloe, but now you have Maggie. Labs are terrific dogs and you two will have great adventures together.

Our friends own two beautiful Pitt Bulls; very friendly dogs that wouldn't hurt anyone. They are responsible owners, the dogs are kenneled when they're not home and play with the kids when they are. The neighbor poisoned them solely because they were pitt bulls. So sad. My step-daughter has one of this guys pups...her name is Violet

Fur Pants. She's just a big lunk and has no clue that she's reputed to be mean and vicious.

Losing pets is so hard; but never having them would be worse. Your Maggie is lucky to have a new home


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I can't imagine someone taking a service dog to a dog pound!!! Your well trained Maggie is such a special dog with hours and hours of training before being matched to her previous owner. You are so lucky. Maggie is also lucky as she could have been destroyed if taken to the wrong "dog pound" and not adopted within a short period. Your neighbor will have a new outlook on pets after 1000 hours of volunteer time working with these homeless animals.

Our community is working hard at catching and destroying (in a humane fashion) the ferrel cats that are overtaking our small town. There are so many of them with disease that they are making the people's pet cats sick. At first I thought this was terrible and cruel until I heard of the injured pets (from fighting the wild cats) and the sick pets. These wild ones are in garages looking for food. Every time you walk past a dumpster in town (or even a public garbage can) you have to be prepared for one to jump out! I dropped a pop can in a trash can between the gas pumps and one came flying out hissing and claws out! I'm not sure who was more scared, me or it.

Conratulations to you and Maggie. Enjoy each other for many years to come.

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Guest Linda S

Wow - what a rollercoaster of emotions packed into one message. I was so sickened by what happened to your dog, but I amazed not only by your neighbor's contrition, but the fact that you forgave him. Forgiveness is always the better way to go. I am so pleased you have a lovely dog to fill your heart. I am full of joy that your neighbor found it within his heart not only to regret what he did, but to find a way to bring some joy back to you.


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I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes for your loss. Thanks for sharing your story. In June we had to put our 13 year old lab down because she could no longer walk as well as hear. It was so heartbreaking for us and we’re still grieving over her loss. She was such a love in our lives and was like one of our children. Enjoy your new companion, she is absolutely a beautiful dog and labs are such great dogs.

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What a wonderful outcome. I too am teary eyed. On July 9th this year we put to sleep our beloved Peachy 17, and Phayzee Baby 15, both suffering from old age ailments. Life is different without them and they are sadly missed, but our Miss Molly 2, and Misty Blue Eyes, 10 month, keep us in smiles and fill the void.

Enjoy your new companion, their love and trust is unconditional

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