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Those are so pretty, Linda! We have a small fenced patio and have purple and white Petunias, mint, Amarylis, geraniums, and another flowering plant that I can't think of the name right now. Then there is my one tomato plant that I am defending from a mockingbird that has eaten into 3 of my tomatoes. I have foil draped on the fence to keep him from having a secure perch to jump down into the plant. When a tomatoe starts to ripen I hide it behind foil so he can't see it!

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Oh, thanks for sharing. I'd show you my flowers but most have already burned up. I try to care for them but when it gets to over 100 degrees they tend to just burn up. Mike is going to build me a really big back porch so then I can have flowers in summer again. In the mean time, keep showing your. I love the combination of colors and shapes!!!!

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Linda your flowers are just as if not prettier than Dennis's! LOL I miss your cool weather. BTW the only rain we have had has been almost just a Washington mist rain! This guy up in GA said on the news last week we need rain with a name. So true!!!


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My flowers were beautiful when I brought them home from the garden center..............then the poor things nearly drowned and now they are baking in the heat. :( I almost didn't put any out this year.....guess I should have listened to that little voice that said NO. :):)

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