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The story of one quilt

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Waaay back on July 11 09 I posted a picture of a Red White and Blue quilt. I asked for suggestions, I got a lot of great comments but this is how the story unfolded: I had pieced this quilt quite a long time before I bought my Millie. Heidi M suggested a "star wreath" huh? What the heck is a star wreath? When found out I did in fact like it, then decided I needed the QZ in order to make one. I had wanted to quilt George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and my personal favorite Ben Franklin even though he was never president, and of course The Eagle. Practice taught me the profiles didn't look right with the stripes so I decided to go with just the eagle and the star wreath. I just couldn't let go of Franklin altogether though. I've already told you the saga of the eagle template. In the end I drew the eagle on each block because the template while perfect for some quilts, didn't have the right body size for this block, the width of the stripes just overpowered the body.

OK finally I have a plan for quilting. I have gained more confidence I can quilt my vision. This qiult top has been sitting aound for actual years now! With the QZ now in my studio for "star wreaths"and eagles I have drawn and Liberty Bells in the four corners.

I used gold thread for the eagles, wreaths, and bells. I use white sew fine in the stipple and SID, Yes ladies I did do a lot of that on this quilt. I used Bamboo and Silk batting because it will be used in the summer months in the guest room (hopefully).

Here's what a friend of mine calls "the kicker";

It is still not bound, there is a HUGE problem; I never washed the red fabric or so it seems. I can't believe I wouldn't have done that but the evidence shows it was never done. When I tried to use a damp Qtip to remove the blue marking, it bleeds!!!! Clear to through to the back!!!

I was thinking of making a pattern for this quilt as I designed it, but another person told me to do a book instead, LOL this just adds another chapter, maybe it should be a stand up routine for quilters! Lessons included with the humor and tears! Thanks for all your support past, present, and future!

There are more pictures on Web shots, just click on any of the pictures below if you want to see more.

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Shar! Don't fret! I'm with Marilyn on this one... Don't be afraid... USE COLOR CATCHERS!

I never wash fabric, and never worry about bleeding... I use color catchers all the time! Try it in cold water, and ALWAYS use them... They come out the most glorious color, and nothing on the quilt! it will be fine...

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Great quilt and quilting. I am sure that your guests will love it too. I am another fan of Color Catchers. I always have several of them in the washing machine at all times. I am a pre washer too but I never separate out the different colours of fabric, I just throw them all in together. I have never had a problem although I do sometimes end up with tie dyed Color Catchers!


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Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments, suggestions, and advise! I will soak it with Synthropol in the tub then wash it with those dye catchers and see what happens. I will do this after Thanksgiving though as we will be out of town for the holiday. I have a front load washer and not sure it will have enough water to actually wash out the dyes. I may have to take it to a laundry mat

when I wash it. Either that or find a friend willing to let me use their washer. I thought I was "old school" too and truly don't know how I missed not washing the red fabric of all things! I'll let you know the final outcome later.

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Guest Linda S

Great quilt and quilting Shar! I had a similar experience with blue pen and red fabric. I soaked the quilt in cold water to get the blue out. You need a LOT of water, like the bathtub. Then I washed the quilt several times in hot water and sythrapol, but not all the red came out. It finally left the quilt when I washed in hot water and retayne. Crazy, I know, but that's how it worked. Best of luck! I'll bet you end up with a beautiful quilt.

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