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I get Lonesome!

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Wow, so many people responded to this thread. A while ago, I was also on medication for depression as well as dealing with fibromyalsia (sp) They seem to go hand in hand.

I was able to work through it and the medication allowed me to start moving without pain. Slowly I was able to become more active and have tried to surround myself with wonderful people (mostly other quilters) through small groups and guilds. I also have a best friend who has saved me from myself many times. I owe her my life.

I love my husband dearly, however, he cannot fill the need in me that my friendships with other women does. Only another woman can understand what I truly feel. We think and feel in a way that is unique to women everywhere. We know how to listen with our heart. We may not have any answers to others problems, but we can offer support and love and sometimes that is just enough. Bless all of you, you are truly not alone.

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I actually prefer the solitude. We live in a ranch and I'm in the back bedroom with windows on two sides. I lock the doors and set the alarm, and it's just the dogs and me, who are usually in the kitchen waiting for my sister to come home to see what food she drops while she's cooking. I don't even like any music playing. I love to be around others and wish I lived near Linda Rech because her quilt group is always doing something interesting. But, when I quilt, I prefer my own company, because I get distracted too easily and make mistakes.

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Again, I have enjoyed this forum so much! And for many reasons! I am in North Missouri if you are ever in the neighborhood!!! Would love to meet each and everyone of you! But in the meantime, will see you here....usually with another question...lol Merry Christmas!

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I am blessed to have a balance life. I have every 3rd day to sew and quilt to my hearts content. Other 2 days to talk and do things with DH. Some times playing games, watching TV and walks. We are both quiet people, so it works for us.

youngest son just works, school and girlfriend. Whe I get lonely, I see what you are all up to:)

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I'm so with you in that I like solitude. I am almost too happy in myself and my own space. Of course after 19 years of being in the banking world and then a few more working for the County I think I've had enough customer contact for my lifetime. For me if I get to town once a week and get my fix by wandering around our LQS(which is fantastic by the way) and get my daily walks, I'm good to go. And I have to agree this forum is so great! Quilters are just good people, that's all there is to it!

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Wow...I share most of these feelings, one extreme or the other, at one time or another! Work is pretty isolating and I don't have much in common with my coworkers...I'm older, female, do different work. When I'm home, sometimes I need to be alone and savor my solitude. Other times I savor the presence of my DH...even if we're just sharing space and the company of the dogs.

Tevera...there are a couple of us on this chat that are not to far from you. I'll send you a u2u.


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I don't post very often; however, I read others' post every day. I feel somehow attached to all you lovely quilters. I quilt in the basement and feel cutoff from the rest of the world. I share a house with my housemate (two Golden Girls) but it's not nearly as much fun as the TV show. I wish I could quilt upstairs, but that would not be possible. I will admit that listening to a CD does make the time go faster.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, and Happy Holidays to all of you. And, thanks for all the great ideas, information, and (unknowing) support.

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I, too, share many of the same feelings all of you are expressing. My husband travels most weeks on his job, and we are empty nesters. My Millie is in a sunroom I just love. My friends all work.... so I and my furry friends keep each other company and when I am not quilting or such, I keep a stack of books near by. The one thought I always try to keep in mind, there are always other people lonely/er or worse off than me and then say a prayer for them. That helps me keep my perspective in order.

I am also thankful for the Forum and my quilt guilds.

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I am with Libby and Robin, I used to work in an office shared with a lovely person that talked non-stop...I used to take a walk in the high school halls just for the break and quiet (that should tell you something when highschool halls are quieter)...I enjoy and need some solitude but also enjoy friends, a good balance is nice!

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Guest Linda S

Actually, I live alone (except for the furkids) so I can't use that as my excuse, but I have to tell you that when I go to retreats or open sew at the quilt shop, I always have a much better time than I do when I'm here alone. Quilting with friends is so fun.

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I keep telling my husband my quilting room is boring. It is in a room in his tractor shop. The one window doesn't look anywhere and I can't see out of it from my machine. I can't get any TV or internet reception in there and only 2 radio stations, neither of them with good music to quilt to. I need to get a VCR/DVD player hooked up in there sometime. After reading this, I've decided it is not so much boring, but lonely. I don't mind working out there nearly as much if someone is out in the shop working too. I am alone in the house most of the day, but I always have the TV on for noise and I can't get that out there.

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