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please pray!!

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Cheri, so sorry you have to go through such worry.. May God give you peace of mind, safe travels, and for your family and friends.

The devastation is unbelievable over the past couple of months. May God see to give us better weather, and help for those who lost loved ones and friends, for those who lost their homes and have to go through all the anguish, decisions and those who lost their jobs or businesses.

Praying for all, for safe traveling mercies, and Hugs to you and yours.

God Bless,


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I too saw the devesation. I saw you post the last night but could not responde at that time, but I have been praying since that God will give all peace and safety through this horrific act of the Devil. Keep your faith and know that God will walk you and your family and all those touched through these rough days. Praying for you and all that were touch by the demon. Stay safe and keep up posted. Many Blessing are sent your way.

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