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What's your favorite?

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I'm quilting a sampler type quilt, and realizing my repetoire of block designs is sorely lacking. I'm getting very bored with my ideas, so I thought maybe ya'll would like to play along, and post some of your favorite motifs for different type blocks.

So, if you want to play, please post your favs for :

1 square in a square type blocks

2. repetitive flying geese blocks

3. triangles

I'm gonna start, but remember my ideas are boring, that's why I'm starting this post.:P


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Thank you for so many ideas. If I were as good as you and able to post pictures, I'd do so. I have a beautiful block-of-the-month sampler to quilt; the customer has done an A+ job of piecing and I want to complement it with equally appealing quilting. I've been searching for ideas for several weeks (she is behind one quilt in the queue) and this gives me additional ideas. Do you mind that I "borrow" some of your ideas. They're beautiful. I think I need to take something to boost my confidence. I hope others post great ideas in answer to your post.


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These are great ideas! Victoria, I recognize that first and last quilt you posted. I've pieced it myself, of course it's still sitting in my closet waiting for me to get to it.

Linda and quietlifeaz, I love your geese ideas too.

That's why I love this forum. Everyone is so willing to share.

Keep em comin! and any other blocks you all can think of to share would be great. Favs is a great place to store these ideas don't you think;)

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Thirties sampler.

Here is something I have learned in the past few years. Leave something in the block that deserves notice--unquilted. If you CC every single piece in the block, it's boring. Notice the small basket block in the upper right. I decided not to quilt the darkest pink center triangle. And it draws the eye to that block. The one to the left of that one--I didn't quilt in the yellow triangles. And it looks balanced and interesting. Then the big block below those two--again the yellow triangles that make the star points weren't quilted. That's where your eyes go first before roaming the rest of the block. Just thought I would share the process.


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