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My goofy day!update~Quilt finished and on it's way!

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Yesterday this really sweet gal brings me a quilt to quilt. She's not a quilter but wanted to make this quilt for her friend that has cancer and started her chemo yesterday. I told her I would rush it. So it's raining cats and dog due to good ole Debby and hubby calls me and says he's hungry. So I'm doing bead board in the large border and reverse curls in the small outer border and Apple Orchard panto by Patricia Ritter in the center. I was doing just find. Roll the quilt to do the bead board and then just start the panto. Away I go and ready to go fix dinner for my guys. look down and this was what I saw!!!!

I rolled to do the curls and then forget to lineup the panto. Been frogging for 2 hours and my fingers are killing me and I'm only about a fourth of the way!

Wish me luck.:mad:


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Oh Dell, I feel your pain, you are surely not the first to do this and I bet you won't be the last.

I have a little pad of stick-it notes and if I'm called away, which often happens, I stick one right where the laser spot will be and if I have time, on the quilt edge as well, they just remind me that I need to do something before I start and eventually I wake up to what it is!!

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Originally posted by LisaC

Count that up as lesson well learned; I bet it never happens to you again! Wish I could sit and help you frog.

Me too!!! Come on!!! I'm switched over to my needle nose plyers!!!! Spelling ??? ANy way my fingers are happier!!!


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Worst nightmare, ask me how I know... I use the stickies (post it notes) to remind me where I'm at when called away and it really has helped. It always seems to be the quilt you are trying to get done in a hurry and it ends up taking you way more time than planned. Good luck with the frogging!;)

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Dell, the panto is darling!

Bummer on the frogging. A wavy border quilt once got the best of me and I frogged 21 hours just to fix the borders. Your needle nose pliers idea would have been handy! I will remember it and hope I don't have to use it :D

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I'm so sorry you had to take out all your pretty stitching. That happens to me a lot, but not because I forgot where I was it's because I always mess up somehow. I know how tiring it is and it makes my back hurt bending over the rail to reach the stitches. I'm glad you finally got it done. You're stitching is very pretty, as always.

BTW, I'm going to use your idea for the nine patch in the corners of my Mama's quilt. Just haven't had time to work on it in over a week. I'll send you pictures.


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Originally posted by LibbyG


I did that once! I didn't notice until I did the entire row over again, on top of the previous row. What color thread are you using? I love the panto and the thread just makes it pop.

Thanks Libby!

It Metro # 2003! One of my favorites!!!1 Looks great on so many different colors. When I pull it out gals look at me very funny, but then when I lay the thread out on the quilt they love it too!!!!

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Guest Linda S

Hmmm - maybe you gals do need my basics and tips class! I think you'll find one of the best tools for frogging a quilt is a #14 steel crochet hook. Saves a whole lotta time! ;) Still, I hate to frog, but I'm pretty quick at it. Sorry you had to rip so much Dell.

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Sounds like a great idea, Linda! I'll try that! Thanks for the info!

I have two more rows done and now doing the bead board for those two panto rows then I'll be doing the panto again and WILL REMEMBER to line it up!!!!:cool:

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Originally posted by Linda S

Hmmm - maybe you gals do need my basics and tips class! I think you'll find one of the best tools for frogging a quilt is a #14 steel crochet hook. Saves a whole lotta time! ;) Still, I hate to frog, but I'm pretty quick at it. Sorry you had to rip so much Dell.

I don't know about using a crochet needle, but I had to frog a large area, I took it off the machine because it's easier, but didn't take me that long, I must do something different than ya'll do,..I use a ripper and pop about every 5 or 6 top threads across quilt, then go back and pull bobbin thread as though I were ruffleing, slides right out.

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Guest Linda S

Gals - this is what I do when I need to rip a large area. About every five inches, cut a stitch with your seam ripper (while your quilt is still on the machine). Use the crochet hook to snag and pull out a couple of stitches on either side of that cut, just wide enough for a finger or two. Now, reach under the quilt sandwich and find the bobbin thread that has been loosened by those stitches coming out. There should be a nice little flat loop of thread there. Put your fingers in it and pull for all your worth! You'll get some bobbin thread, and when you go to pull the rest of the top thread, you'll find that a whole bunch of it is loose. If you keep on like this across the area you need to frog, you'll be done in no time. Don't be afraid to pull really hard unless you're working on something super fragile, you won't hurt a thing. So much faster than pulling on the end of the thread and trying to pick everything out daintily -- grab it and growl! :P

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