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Favorites from Previous Forum

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Hi Everyone,

We've been trying hard to convert as much information as possible from our previous Forum to the new system over the past several days. Unfortunately, after much anguish and programming manipulatin, we were not able to restore the "Favorites" that you may have saved in the old system.

We apologize that we were unable to migrate those saved links over to the new Forum. That's what's so hard about the speed at which technology moves...with the ever-changing computer landscape, compatibility issues arise that sometimes even a crack computer programmer cannot solve.

However, there is still some good news in that you can "search" back to the beginning of the Forum's existence for topics that may have intrigued you (and who knows, you may uncover some noteworthy topics you missed along the way!)

Look in the upper right corner of the Forum Page and you'll discover a "Search" box. To the right of the box you'll see an icon that resembles a wheel with little cogs. That icon will open up an advanced search dialog box for you. There you can search by date field, author, key word or phrase, or even by member or forum category. Once you discover what you are looking for, you can "follow" the topic and it will be saved in your dashboard.

You can also select how you will be notified if you are "following" a particular post or thread using "Notifications".

To subscribe to a topic or forum, go to that area and click the Vb7F2p.png Follow button. You will then be prompted with how often you wish to be notified. To the right of this button, it shows how many other people are watching the topic.

There are several types of notification, and you will be asked to choose one of these options:

  • Instantly: You will be notified instantly when a reply is made, via the method specified in your notification preferences.
  • Only When Not Online: This option will send out a notification if a reply has been posted and you're not active on the board.
  • Daily: This option will send out a daily digest of updates.
  • Weekly: This option will send out a weekly digest of updates.

If you wish to automatically subscribe to every topic you reply to, you can configure this from your control panel. Simply select the "Auto follow topics I reply to" option.

You can remove a subscription from your settings, or go back to the area you are subscribed to and press the "transmit_blue.png Stop Watching" button.

Again, we're sorry that we were unable to restore the favorites folders for our current users. Hopefully as you get to know this new Forum format better you'll find it much easier to navigate and retain new "favorite" threads. We're still working on resolving the photo uploading issues, and will keep you informed about that progress as well.

Thanks for your understanding, everyone!

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Love your avatar!

Thanks for the information about the favorites. Fortunately I wrote down a lot of my favorites in a notebook. So I'm just doing a search and then saving them again. May take a little time, but I didn't lose them. And Heidi seems to have a phenomenal memory so she'll be able to help with the rest. We're just so fortunate to have such outstanding quilters, I hate to lose their work.

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Thanks for all the hard work on the new forum Dawn. The favorites would have been nice to have...but as you said, we can search for those topics again. Just maybe, we will find new 'old' topics that interest us again!

Besides, we can easily find our own posts with this new format...and I usually replied to those things in my favorites. Oh wait...i have like 6-7000 posts to search through. Yikes!

Anyways, the photo uploading is a bigger issue to resolve anyways. Hopefully that can be solved soon.

This forum is great. Thanks for updating it for us. Not having to contend with all the spam makes all this worth it for me!

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Unfortunately, until yesterday we could go to the old forum and see which favorites to search but now the old forum web address has been diverted to the new forum.

I can understand that you want new members to come to the new forum but surely we (the old members) could have had that facility for a little while longer to chase up our favorites????

We too are busy people!

Kristina....Kristina....is that you girl.....Wow, you look fabulous! Had me fooled for a couple of days!

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Kristina....Kristina....is that you girl.....Wow, you look fabulous! Had me fooled for a couple of days!

yes...it is me. many thanks for the comment! :rolleyes:

didn't mean to fool anyone. i changed my username to match what i hope to use for a business name...and updated my avatar. The picture was taken last month at my daughters' soccer game. i like keeping my picture current.

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Hi everyone,

I just got word from the IT team and Forum programmers that it isn't feasible to re-open the old forum log-ins up again (even for a short while) since everything has been migrated over and archived on different servers. It could also create havoc with changes that users have already made to their avatars, log-in credentials, new posts, etc.

Keep in mind that all of the information you seek is technically still here...the forum history hasn't been eliminated. You can search back to the beginning if you like. I know that the hard part is knowing exactly what to search for. If you saved a posted thread about tension adjustments, you would need to search again using key words like "tension" or phrases like "loops on top". The bad news is that you may have to search a little harder to find the orginal posted thread; but the GOOD news is that you may also find other threads related to that same topic that add to your information. You can then "follow" that thread (even if it's old) and it will be saved for you.

We're sorry we couldn't get this part of the forum migration to transfer over. Hopefully as you browse the Forum you'll soon develop a new collection of favorites, and re-discover some old ones!

We're still working on the phtoto uploads and will keep you posted on how that is progressing.

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Thanks so much, Dawn. Just takes a little getting familiar with the navigating of the new forum, but before we know it we will be just as quick as we were on the old forum. I am amazed that you were able to move the WHOLE forum, this way we can still look back on our searches and find info. As you adjust the forum, we will adjust too!

p.s. Love your gorgeous avatar! (wolf whistle!) :D

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oh my....I had saved so many really neat quilts, esp sampler quilt pictures. I have several to do and now am just lost as to what to do. I had saved lots of pictures. There are several gals who did the same sampler and I wanted to make them all different by using these pictures/ideas..............

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If you like, send me an email and I'll send back some sampler photos.

oh my....I had saved so many really neat quilts, esp sampler quilt pictures. I have several to do and now am just lost as to what to do. I had saved lots of pictures. There are several gals who did the same sampler and I wanted to make them all different by using these pictures/ideas..............

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It is great that we can access all of the pictures we have posted but I wonder if it would be possible to allow us to view all of the pictures of another member. We might recall that a certain member posted pics of a quilt that inspires us and we want to view it again. It could take a long time to search and find it. My first thought is it seems a bit intrusive to have someone looking at all of our pictures, however it isn't any different than posting them on webshots or flickr. And, we have posted them so it is intended they be shared. This would be helpful for individuals who have saved pictures in their favorites on the old forum because they may be able to find them in less time. Just a thought.

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OK I figured out the messages...well some of the problems. I too was over quota. It appears during the conversion that all the spam notifications we sent was added to our mailbox! Yikes! You have to go in and delete them all and get your messages down to 50. I'm sure that is why Linda can't receive any messages. I found that checking the box at the top easiest. It checks all the messages on that page and then you can uncheck the messages you don't want to delete.

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