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The Mystery of the Odd Noise...


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It was a dark and stormy night...okay, not really!

I was just back from MQX and loaded a quilt that requires some rulerwork, so on went my Donita Reeve Rulermate. Then, as per usual, I was letting my Millie warm up when I noticed a steady "click-type" noise that coincided with the needle down. I was just sure something was really wrong and my needle was hitting the bobbin. However, a bit more investigation revealed that its the hopping foot tapping the Rulermate. Does this happen to any of you? Should I raise my hopping foot??

The end...

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I'd say yes, position the hopping foot as you would for your needleplate. My Rulermate seems to be the same height when installed as my needleplate so I don't adjust mine. And then remember to adjust again when you remove it --if you don't leave it on all the time.

(It can't be a dark and stormy night in Sequim, Dory! People probably don't know about this little pocket of Washington State--up north on open water--across the way is Canada. This town sits in a spot where it doesn't rain! The topography splits the rain clouds and wind so there is no bad weather! It's the banana belt of Washington and a favorite retirement spot. We get 40"-60" of rain a year in Olympia. Sequim get about 15". I'm gonna go visit my friend on the "Riviera" this winter!)

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Me!! Me!!! Please come visit me....although it is a bit gray and misty today. I have a dedicated guest room that will have your name on the door. (okay, you did mean me, right, on the Riviera? I'm not making a total fool of myself by groveling for your attention)

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I had to raise my hopping foot with the ruler mate because I have the stitch cutter, so I just leave it on all the time. I do have to be more careful using rulers, though. When I let go to move my hand, the ruler pops up and the hopping foot hits it.

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I want to live in Sequim...I was through there years ago (1970). My husband and I drove all the way up the coast from California to Seattle. Even took the ferry across to Victoria, BC. I had forgotten about that until Linda mentioned it and I actually realized where Dory lives. :D

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We were in that area in September. We were in Victoria and I was so surprised when we were told of the mild weather they experience up there. It was a beautiful area...........EXPENSIVE, but very pretty. I guess when you hear British Columbia/Canada you automatically think cold and lots of snow. :)

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Wow...this totally switch from a mystery to a geography novel!!

Isn't the business card test slipping two business cards under the hopping foot when it is in its lowest position? I think I've made the decision to leave the plate on, so I'll bite the bullet and raise my hopping foot.

Linda, the most expensive thing about Sequim has been my husband's boat fetish. The only thing keeping that in check is my warning him that if he gets another boat, I'm getting a donkey. So far, its working. Its actually a tad cheaper here grocery wise than CA; tons cheaper for vehicle registration and utilities, and gas is even less expensive.

Oh, and Sylvia...you are soooo wrong. I'm the one living in the Riveria so Linda is coming here. However, I'm willing to let you and everyone else come here as well. Its really a fun place to live and visit!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, it happens to me all the time -- the hopping foot has hit the Ruler-Mate so often that there's a mark. Actually, I hate using the R-M; there's always a drag and some other problem always seems to crop up as well. This is a cri de coeur as I spent most of last week using rulers, not enjoying it one bit.

And just so you know: in Canada, Vancouver Island is known as Lotus Land, and Victoria is the capital of that happy place. They have warm winters and it seldom snows. Some prairie people aspire to retire there, but I'll take our winter sunshine and blue skies over grey skies, rain and earthquakes any day! to each his own...

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