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Asking for prayers for our Son in Law in surgery.

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My son, age 30, went through this exact same surgery in January at Walter reed hospital. He started having seizures at age 28, never had any prior to that. The surgery was successful and he was able to return to work ( civil engineer in the Air Force) after 5 weeks. He and his beautiful wife welcomed my first grandchild in April, which his doctors said the upcoming birth gave him incentive to get through the surgery and recovery, sounds like your sil has incentive also!

He will stay on full meds for two years to allow brain healing, but so far he has not had any abnormal electrical activity, thank The Lord! I was amazed at the recovery he had after such an invasive surgery! His physicians were marvelous and the care he received at Walter Reed was top notch.

I will pray for your family, I know prayers were what got us through our ordeal. I believe in the power of prayer,


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We are now onto part two of the brain surgery.  The doctors will be mapping his speech and language centers tomorrow and determining where they are in relationship to the focal center of the seizures.  He seems to be pretty much out of it since the surgery.  He is in a tremendous amount of head pain and keeping pretty much doped up on morphine.  He has hardly eaten anything since the surgery and this is definitely out of the norm for him. 

They have Friday the 20th scheduled for part two of the surgery.  Please continue to pray this is where they will be removing the segment of his brain where the seizures originate.   Thank you for all prayers.


Lori thank you for your comments on your sons surgery.  It sounds very much the same as Adams.  His first seizures were about that same age as he is 33 now and they started about 4 to 5 years ago as best as we can tell.  I do pray that Adams recovery will be as good as your sons was.  thank you for the encouragement of that story. 

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Adam has had a lot of pain all weekend and it does seem to be the surgical site and the swelling in his face and above his eye that the most discomfort is coming from.  His surgery is in the front temporal lobe of the brain.  I guess this is not a real common area for the seizures, but this is where his are.  He has been pretty much out of it all weekend.  We are hoping this week will be a little better and he will do well on the testing for the next surgery on Friday. 

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Less pain today, Adam was awake all night and sleeping now, Tanya will finally get to spend some time with him this afternoon and talk with the doctors.  He has asked her not to come up until now as he knows she has the baby and he really has not wanted to talk, but to just sleep. 

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Now we need to pray for seizures, strange as that seems.  He has been off meds since Saturday morning and as of 6 pm today he had not had any.  In order to do the mapping they need two to three.  I sure hope it happens quickly as Fridays surgery could be postponed til Monday.  Ugh, Christmas is going to be very messed up this year.  All I want for Christmas is to have my family healthy and together.   Please God, Bless Adam and help the doctors to be able to cure his epilepsy. 

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Oh Gosh~!   prayers for complete  relief from the siezures, but please Lord, let him have a few so the

Dr.s know what to do and where to do it.   It is so important for his recovery, and an uneventful

healing, in Your Will..


In Jesus' name,



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