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Christmas PJ's

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Hi All.  I don't know about you all but I'm certainly feeling the Christmas crunch!  I started making Kailey PJ's for Christmas the year she was born, so this is year 3.  She and her baby will have matching PJ's.  I had to of course add pj's for Sophia this year and I couldn't just do anything.  LOL  Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself but I know my DIL & Son will really appreciate it and I know as the girls get older they will one day look back on it with fond memories, or horror at what I made them wear!  LOL  Since this is Sophia's first Christmas she gets her new baby too.  I don't have pics of the girls yet, in the mail this morning thanks to the best daughter in the world, but I did snap a picture of Sophia's baby at 1 am!  I'm happy to be sitting at my desk today.  


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Heidi, I could never come up with something that cute!!!!, You are the bomb, as always!  However, when I realized I could flat-pattern-design the clothes I wanted was when I realized what a good time I was having!!!!  Now, If I could just get into that head of yours!

It can be a scary place not sure you want to go there!   :o

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