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Black and White Quilt

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You're my hero! That quilt has enough challenges to scare me right out of trying it! I haven't had a lot of success quilting on black, and here you have white on front with a black back, with nary a peep of bobbin thread peeking through. So I have to ask, did you use black bobbin thread, or match your top thread?

Either way, the quilt is gorgeous, your quilting is perfect. It has a very distinct look that makes me think of the 50's or 60's, very George Jetson!



By challenges, I mean I've had very little success while working with black, and the idea of trying to quilt with minky on the back scares the dickens out of me, not that there is anything wrong with the quilt top. I read back over my post and thought "Gee, that sounds bad". Please don't think that, it's not what I meant at all!

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Hi Hattiesburg,  Sorry Sharon I missed your name before :blush:


I didn't take it badly at all. Give it a try I actally like quilting with Minky  backing. It will stretch so be aware of that and you are good to go. I ALWAYS match my bobbin to the top. I does not matter to me what the backing is. I let my client know ahead of time.  I have done several of her quilts with Minky on the back and they all turned out great. I will causion that the minky can "shadow" through if you will. Example, I quilted one with red minky backing, it was an Applique quilt and right away I could see the "shadow " of the red on the top. She was okay with it and It actully truned out great.  But it did give the apperance of PINK in the white fabric. She loved it.


In real life you can see the black thread  where I stitched over the white applique on the back but It could not be avoided.

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The salvage was on the side. The applique was top to bottom. The photo was taken with the quilt hanging sideways on the Freedom to keep it off the floor. And yes if the backing has a direction the quilt needs to go in the same direction. It was really fun to quilt .


I look forward to when you can come take your class. Are you writing down questions.

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