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As you know, I had worked on the three baby quilts for the past three weeks. Two for a friend's babies. Early last week we made the trip to Portland to go to one of my GD graduation. We stopped in Grants Pass on the way up to drop off the quilts. They were so happy with them. I'll attach the pic mom took for me with the babies and the quilts. I also got the little girl a baby doll and made it a matching quilt. They said she won't put the baby doll down. Their quilts exactly matched their sheets and I didn't even know what they looked like. Yay! I gave my GD the quilt for the expected baby and she was so happy about it. We went on to Portland for the week and had a great time.

The day we were to head for home I made a split second decision to turn right (towards the Oregon coast) rather than turn left to go to I-5. Don't know why either. We spent such a leisurely day driving down the coast and "lollygagging" as my mother used to say. Her word for goofing off. When we got to Coos Bay we were still dragging our feet. Had a lovely seafood dinner at the beach then my GD text that she was in labor. Well, that's my first great grandbaby so we made a left turn and headed for Grants Pass. We had to wait three days (long dang labor) but it was worth every minute. We were there for her birth. Yay again. She is so absolutely beautiful. They named her Adalynn Ariah (sounds like Mariah without the M). She weighed 8lbs 2oz and is 20 inches long. I'll add a pic. We just got home a few hours ago so we are very tired, but I just had to share.




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Oma. so glad you were able to enjoy the Oregon Coast as well the birth of the Great Grand Baby.   What a thrill that must have been..  resting up for the new baby visit.


3 days of labor is nonsense, unless it was Mom's decision to not have help in speeding it up a bit.  How tired she must have been.


Send her kudos for lasting out the long labor, and Congrats to you on the new baby..   I'm glad you took that last left...



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Thanks everyone.  Rita, she wasn't in hard labor for three days.  She started Monday cramping so we knew delivery was imminent.  Tuesday she was a lot more uncomfortable.  Then Wednesday morning she went into hard labor and delivered.  It was sort of normal, but you just have to hang around until the little one decides to make her entrance.  She was very tired, but mostly because she was too excited and anxious to sleep.  It was more of a waiting game.  I'm glad we were there with her.  God does work in mysterious ways doesn't he?  We had one GD graduate from high school...one GD graduate from kindergarten and one GD give birth to a beautiful baby girl.  And on top of that we got to see whales and sea lions and a beautiful coast line.  All in all it was a pretty spectacular week. 


Today I'm going to a big quilt store sale they have twice a year.  Everything in 40% off.  Oh I am in so much trouble.  I was good all week though.  All down the coast my husband would spot a quilt store and ask me if I wanted to stop and believe it or not I said no.  I did go to a beautiful quilt store in Grants Pass.  RIght on main street.  They were the nicest people.  I bought some fabric for another quilt I want to do.  Couldn't help myself.  They also carried Australian fabric.  Hmmmm....gave me ideas, but I restrained myself.  I knew this sale was coming up and this store has the nicest fabrics.  I'll be thinking of all of you as I shop today.  Yay! 

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