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Big storm in California...still waiting for it


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It is a little breezy, but no storm yet.  Poor husband did go out and took down all the Christmas decorations he so lovingly put up last week so we wouldn't have to chase them across town or figure out how to get them out of the trees in case the storm does get as bad as they are predicting.  50 mph winds could cause a little havoc around here.  I didn't want to mention our 40+ foot tall trees in the back yard.  I got out all the flashlights and candles just in case we lose power.  Told the GD to charge up her phone just in case.  I'd rather be at the beach watching the storm.  


They're saying it will be the worse storm in 6 years.  Hmmmm...I've lived here 24 years now and I don't remember any storm.  Did it rain 6 years ago and I missed it?  I'm used to preparing for SD storms (now there's some storms) and for storms in the NW (those can get ugly), but we don't get much here in the valley...just a lot of fog.


I guess I should find my deck of cards too so we can entertain GD if the lights go out.  Oh...and warm jammies and socks because I just remembered we don't have heat without electricity.  I have a gas fireplace I guess I should light it and see how it is.  I haven't had a fire in it in several years. 


Actually, I think I'll go sew snowflakes for my other GD's Frozen quilt.  It's all I have left to do before Christmas. 


Hope everyone north of us is doing well.  


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I'm with you, Oma and Linda!  We're supposed to get gusts up to 75 mph here in the Seattle area, although maybe not as bad here in the shelter of the Cascades.  Guess I should get the candles and matches and flashlights out - we ARE surrounded by big trees - but instead I'll be heading back out to a Guild Board meeting.  Fun, fun, fun.....

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I'm in the Seattle area and already had part of my fence blown down (and my fence is in good condition).  I had to get on the boots and raincoat and go out and try and manhandle that big piece of fence so it wasn't laying on plants and in the neighbors yard.  I was finally able to do it with a lot of dragging and grunting - LOL.

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I listened to the weather man last night, and decided against bike commuting.  Wind gusts of 50 mph and a bicycle with an 85 lb trailer attached doesn't sound like fun.  I drive to work and when I leave at 6:30, it's raining lightly.  No big deal.  I have fenders and rain gear, had I been on the bike. When I leave work at 1pm, the sun is shining, there is no wind, perfect day for riding!  And I'm in a car.  At least now the wind is blowing enough to make the lights flicker ever so briefly.  Still wish I'd biked.  It's December and it was sunny today!

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We've had rain all day long here in the bay area but no major wind gusts. We have had flood warnings and I did notice that earlier today our street was a bit overrun with water. Also saw pictures of the 280 at the 101 (northbound I think) that was a river of water. All the cars were on the right side and a bit off to the shoulder still driving along in about a foot of water. I don't think that our California systems are designed for non-stop rain. It was a good day to do some organizing though. Not sure my dogs were too happy about it being wet outside. Spoiled dogs.  :P

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Oh boy!! I can't wait for the rain but I'm babysitting my grandson in Porterville tonight so my daughter and SO could go to the hockey game in Bakersfield tonight. I hope it all holds off until midnight as I don't want to drive home in the rain and wind for 30 minutes! I love the rain!!!!!!

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I am In Avila Beach near San Luis Obispo.  We have been having big waves for the last two days.  The wind had been howling all day but it has only just begun raining.  We are due to drive home tomorrow so that could get exciting.  My kids are in the Bay Area and it has been very wet up there.  My youngest decided to work from home rather than drive the forty miles to work and across the Golden Gate.  I understand that crossing the bridge wasn't very pleasant!


Stay safe everyone.

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So far, so good. The lights have blinked multiple times, we had gusts up to 67 mph at the local airport, and the tall fir trees are roaring and swaying in the wind. But better swaying than breaking! So far not much rain but it's worse the farther north you go. I hope our friends to the north in British Columbia are hunkered down and safe.


I'm unplugging all electronics and heading to bed. If the alarm is blinking "12:00" in the morning I'll be happy---as long as it's blinking we have electricity!  :)

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Still fairly calm, but we're right on the edge of it.  I live just north of Fresno.  I'll probably be asleep when it hits.  On a good note...the contractors are suppose to start putting my house back together in the morning.  Yay!


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Well, either I am a very heavy sleeper or we just got a nice soaking rain. Everything looks the same as when we went to bed. Hubby is a little preturbed that he took all the decorations down and put them in the garage and all we got was a little RAIN! Why do we listen to these people? 

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Oma, I drove home at midnight last night and while it was very windy, I didn't see any cows fly by!! (It's cow country here LOL) Our Japanese maple lost about 80% of its leaves last night. I've been awake since 4 am and it has been raining at least that long here. I guess the wind wasn't as bad as we were expecting it to be!

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Linda, I heard on the news this am that two people were killed in Oregon by falling trees. My folks live in Gold Beach and they said it wasn't too bad there, winds up to 55, but they heard farther north in Oregon it was worse. Are you up north?


We're 120 miles north of Portland in Olympia. We had big winds--the yard looks like it's been scoured. Yes, two deaths from falling trees in Oregon and a brick apartment building was evacuated because the top floor brick facade came down onto cars in the street. Hoping all the Moxies are OK.

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Okay, weather report from Santa Clarita Valley, in SoCal...wild whipping winds all night and this morning - HEAVY downpour from about one am!  Horses are mad and soaked, dogs are even madder and stalking around like it's my fault.  ;)  Very violent storm but no power out, and no trees down in our canyon.  Just flash foods and some small mud slides.  Then around 9:00 when I left for work, sun came out and it's gorgeous...but the LA river is churning and full.  We need the water, and hope there was enough in this storm to snow and save us some where we really need it.  Expect some more rain this afternoon according to the maps online and weather report.  Hope you all rode it out okay!!  :0

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The power went out in Avila Beach at 10:00pm yesterday.  It was still off this morning and there were so many outages it didn't look promising.  We left for home earlier than planned and poor DH carried all our things down from the fourth floor as the elevators were not working.  I spent my time groveling around in the dark trying to pack and make sure we had everything.  The wind was really strong with some powerful gusts.

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