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Hi everyone!

I am new to this forum, and honestly to quilting as well. I'm 22 yrs old and from a small town in PA. My wonderful boyfriends mother has been an advid quilter for many years. Last year, she decided to take me under her wing and teach me to make a quilt for my older brothers wedding. It was her idea and I was very open to it, being a creative type. She had always wanted to show someone I think, and her only daughter is not interested.

I bought enough fabric to make two. (On accident) But thats what I did. I made them at the same time and got them sent away, quilted, and finished binded in 9 months.Hopefully, I can figure out how to post a picture. Now in those months I know I have found something I will enjoy for life. I have started other projects (in between making quilts) and after. I'm hooked!

Also, Debbie (BF Mom) had many quilts sent away to be quilted and they are gorgeous. She does beautiful hand quilting though. But I sent mine out and also loooved it. Which brought me to this site. I WANT A LONGARM. Ok, i'm getting a little excited and this post is way long. So thank you all for the advice I have already got from this wonderful forum. You all seem like the sweetest people!

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Welcome Mallory!! You'll find a wealth of info on this site plus many wonderful folks.

As my DH says: Oh no,you have the "sickness"!!! He does say it affectionately, but he's right. I have been bitten by "the bug" of quilting and it's a wonderful bug to have. Sounds like you have it too!!

I hope you'll get to spend many happy hours quilting!!

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Welcome Mallory. You will love this forum. Lots of great info. It's so good to see someone your age into quilting. I have a 22 year old daughter and she is not interested in quilting at all :( If you are starting out this young, you will have many many years of happy quilting times ahead of you! Enjoy and have fun.


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Welcome Mallory...22 years old...not much younger than most of us ;):D

I am so happy to hear that you are hooked!! I too have DD and DIL who could care less...oh, they love quilts and love for someone (me) to make them one...but they don't want to do it. I am so happy to meet someone who will continue on the art of quilting.

Continue to grow and have fun. And start saving those pennies for that longarm.

Mary Beth

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Mallory, welcome to the "Bit by the quilt bug club." Yuppers...it looks like you have all the symptoms of a Quiltaholic and therefore, please allow my sympathies to you, and especially to your boyfriend. ;) lol. :P

My Mother In Law introduced me to quilting, and now that I'm pretty much a "hook, line and sinker" with this quilty stuff, my DH cannot object because if he does, I always respond with "It's all your mom's fault!" :P

(please feel free to use the same lame excuse I do if you BF objects to your ever-growing-larger fabric stash... this excuse works wonders and he'll come to accept the fact after a while and if he's smart and wants to keep mama and you on good terms, he will learn to keep his pie hole shut).

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Haha, thanks Shana for the good "excuse" I'm sure I'll be using it alot. You think he would be used to it, growing up his whole life with his mom doing it. But he probably will never get it, and that's ok because there are so many out there who do!

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Oh hooray, a newbie quilter, and a fresh young one besides! Welcome.

My advise: If you want to learn to longarm quilt and buy a machine, then the sooner the better. You'll never regret it. My only regret is that I didn't know to do this many, many years ago. (I'm still relatively young as a quilter, but you've got decades to catch up! :D) Keep at it.

~~ Eva

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Mallory and other young 'wannabe's'...congratulations! You are entering into a world with some of the nicest people, most talented and most helpful that you'll ever find. I tell my family that my quilting "keeps me out of the bars"..(That's a joke!) A piece of advice...one of the best ways to get over being too tired, too busy, depressed, too sad, too happy, etc. is to

find a fabric store and get some pretty fabrics...Keep your eyes open for a nice used machine...my first one was $600.00 and it worked great! You can trade up as the finances improve...who knows...this might be the channel you'll take to earn your livli-hood. Good Luck. ML in Mo.

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I too have family that does not get too excited over a finished project or a new pattern. My DH has actually tried to convince me that there is more going on in the world besides quilting. I don't believe him. Welcome Mallory to our world. You will like it here.


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When I got my long arm, my dad told me that he thought I had gotten carried away and in over my head. Now when I show them the final product and he is wooing and ahhing, I ask him if he still thinks I have gotten carried away. :D

Mallory, how wonderful that you have discovered a lifetime hobby and such a great age. You will never get tired of it. Each magazine you pick up or show you go to will have something you want to try. The biggest problem will be finding the time to do it all.

So glad that you found this site!

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Welcome Mallery

Yes this is a very informative forum and so much to learn from. What little town are you from? I am from the Limerick township area. Outside Pottstown, PA. Still have family there. 20 miles from Lancaster county. Hope you jump in and ask those questions. Nita

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Hey Mallory, welcome aboard! I'm a wannabe too, but saving for my first child, hopefully a Lenni, though I haven't met him yet. (Some people think he's a her, simply because his name was taken from Mille's whole name: Millenium, and he's a chip of the old block. But I say, Eve was take from Adam and she's a her and not a he, so Lenni's a he in my book, LOL!) Great that you've discovered this beautiful and historical art form so early in your life. I did as a teenager also, but never had the patience to cut draw lines on fabric then cut a quarter inch outside, etc. etc., the old way. If you're willing to take the time to do things right, you'll be very happy much sooner than I was, and have your quilting off to a quicker start then I did too! Lucky for me, they devised stack'n'whack and all the shortcuts we now have, so I'm back in it again with a vengeance!

Good luck to you, and I lived in PA for five years, in Hershey, and saw a quilt show in Lancaster. Do they do them? If only..... but you can learn so darn much from the Amish about quilting, I hope you take advantage of it, unlike me. Of course, it's kind of hard when you have a drooling crawler grabbing everything in your lap, to sit and poke a needle up and down through fabric, so I shouldn't pick on myself. But if you're still footloose then go for it! Yay you!!

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Hi Patch,

I attended the show in Lancaster about 2 years ago, but haven't gotten back yet. I think they still have one there. They also have one in Hershey and in Harrisburg. I won't make it to Hershey this year, but will get to the one in Harrisburg in September. Yippee. Quilt shows are so much fun.


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Oh my gosh, a show in Hershey and I never knew it?!! Geez! how pre-occupied was I then? I bet I turned a blind eye to everything quilty because I knew I couldn't do it with my babies around. Boy, what I missed!

Say hi to the Susquehanna Chorale, if you see them around. I miss them so much, even after 9 years.... :( They are really pretty good, so if you like choral singing they're the show to catch, especially at Christmas. They do a wonderful candlelight concert, where they sing an obscure arrangement of Silent Night at the end every single year by candlelight, in the round.... so beautiful!

Back to quilting - you are so lucky to be living there and be a quilter!

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Hi Mallory and Everyone-

Welcome Mallory to this wonderful world of quilting. I live in Hershey PA and always welcome people to visit my studio and test out my millenniums. I am the area sales rep for APQS. I just wanted everyone to know that we WILL have Lenni at the Hershey show next week. July 26-29th.

We may not have it at the Harrisburg show, and we won't know for sure on that until later in August.

Soooo... if you are interested in Lenni, please come to see us at the Hershey show at the Hershey Lodge.

You will fall in love with Lenni!!

Sheri Flemming

Hershey PA



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