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THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! Your thoughts and prayers were with us because everything worked out just fine. On Tues. and Wed. his heartrate was between 42 and 38 which is way to low. But about 4:00 Tues. afternoon the Cardiologist

Rick wanted came into his room and re-inacted exactly what happens to Rick. By doing this experiment he knew there was no more time to waiste.........he said Rick needed a pacemaker and he would schedule it for Wed. afternoon. So Rick had one more stress test on Wed. morning and his surgery was at 2:00. They wouldn't let him come home till today but he was ready to come home last night and he is doing very well. The Cardiologist wants him back in the hospital on the 13th of Sept. for an Angioplasty (sp). He didn't like the results of the tests....they weren't bad but they weren't good. He said it was more for precautionairy reasons because Rick didn't show symptoms YET but the signs were there that he could. So IF he has any blockage or the start of any blockage they can nip it in the bud right away......which is the way I prefer it anyway.:) I told him I have to have him around for a LONG LONG time yet.......he will turn 62 in Nov. but doesn't look his age. Well, I take that back......I think this took it's toll on him and he has a lot more gray in his black hair now.:o And when his chest hair grows back after being shaved I told him that will be ALL WHITE and no black any more........:P:P Hey, we have to find something to laugh about......right???:P:P

Just want to say Thanks again everyone for your prayers and thoughts, phone calls and emails.......I really appreciated it and Rick was so touched by it....he had tears in his eyes. He just couldn't believe it! He kept saying, " they don't even

know me or you except on the forum". I told him that that is just the way it is here........we are like a close knit family. He started telling his buddies about all of you and just wanted to me tell you Thank you from him too.

Hugs to all of you and God Bless you ALL!

Renae and Rick Gamel

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Hugs to Renae & Rick! BTW, is a pacemaker a cure for a hard head? Oops!

I don't have a DH...er-uh... ok, I've had three not so DH's but If I had a real live DH I'd want him home, healthy and huggable for many, many years to come! I mean, when you've got a keeper ya gotta hang onto him!

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Renae, Thank heaven for little favors. Tell Rick he is very fondly looked upon, even if I have never met him. You are truly like family to me, and I can't bear when something bad happens to any of us in this group.

((((((Rick and Renae))))))))


p.s. Renae- It's not entirely his fault. he is a man after all LOL

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LOL........yes he is hard headed:P and someone had asked, I think it was Heidi, if he had been in the service......yes he was in the Air Force. But I have a feeling MOST if not ALL men have this attitude that they aren't ever that sick or nothing is bad enough to have to go to the Dr. much less the hospital. I think they belive that is a weakness or something.....well, I have news for this man!!! If he sneezes wrong I will hog tie him and throw him in the car and drive him to the Dr. ......:P:P Just kidding, but they sure can be frustrating at times.

Prayers were answered and now I am going to try to get some sleep.......I think I was getting about 2 hrs a night since Sun. so I am exhausted! This too will pass......:P Talk to you all soon.......night.

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Yaaaaaay!!! :P I love happy endings!

(I know...I know...I always say that...I sound like a broken record...enough already...)

But it is true. Happy endings. yay! :P

PS: Renae, if your DH starts giving you any more grief and goes back to his ways acting like a stubborn old goat, then you best be telling him that I will promptly get on the next plane down to the Heartland of America where I will commence to politely swack him upside the head...(don't make me do it cuz I will)

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Ranae & Rick - So glad to hear the good news. Yes we do have a God that listens to & answers our prayers. Now Rick, you need to listen to your dear wife and the Dr's. (That was from another wife who has a sometimes hard headed husband - I was just practicing on ya! :P LOL) Take care you two and hope to hear nothing but good news from now on,

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I'm so glad that the cardiologist had an answer and that Rick is feeling better now. Praise God!

I will never understand why men are so stubborn about going to the doctor. A couple of times while Roger was in the Coast Guard his CO had to order him to go to sick call. We won't even begin to discuss getting him to the dentist!

Renae, get some rest so you don't get sick.

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That is fantastic news!!! After next month he will have a complete new lease on life and should be around for another 40 years (that should put him at a 102, ;)) I hope that will be alright with you, LOL

The both of you need to catch up on your sleep and take it easy for the rest of the week and through the weekend..worry from stress can really drain you.

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Like everybody else I'm thrilled for the good news! I'm glad he is home and resting...he is resting right?! Yes it was I who asked if he was in the military...you are right all men seem to be stubborn but men that have been in the military have this added sense of something that says no matter what they can't appear sick or weak and it won't happen to them!


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Renae, Isn't our God good? I am so happy for both of you. And be gentle with your Rick. like it has been said on here before, he is a man, can't help being stubborn, it is in their genes.

Do you need us to send you rope so yu have plenty on hand in case you have to hog time him?:D

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I must have missed the earlier posts about your husband (have to laugh at how stubborn men can be!) but I am soooo glad he is doing better now! God is good, I'm glad he choose to let you keep him a bit longer! About stubborn men, I have a brother-in-law who refused to go to the doctor and was sick for months and finally passed out so his wife called 911. We, instead of cancer or whatever he was scared of, it turned out that what started it all was just a simple infection that antibiotics could have taken care of, but because of his stubborness he caused kidney damage. Because of the damage he caused by his stubborness he died not even a year later from kidney failure. It was a wake-up call for all of us, go to your doctor when you suspect something may be wrong because it may just be something simple which left untreated could develop into something very serious.

Love and prayers to you all!


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I can't add anything new to what has been said here. I'm so thankful this had a good ending and that our good Lord worked everything out for good in this. You are a joy to us here, and even more so to your sweetie, I'm sure. You know the offer still stands if you need anything It wasn't a hollow offer. We women will sacrifice ourselves without thought for our loved ones, so please take care of yourself so you can take good care of Rick. Be careful not to run yourself into the ground.

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That is such good news Renae that your husband Rick will have a pace maker. My 91 year old father has one that has gone off a few times. He finds it quite comfortable in his chest and is thankful for the extra help. These pace makers are magical. Through all this you were making birthday blocks? Maybe quilting is theraputic for most of us.

Best wishes to you both. Now you have a bionic husband Renae!


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