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Thread in fly wheel

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I have twice had to have my DH help me with getting thread off the fly wheel. Have others had this problem. I am doing a panto and the thread breaks and I don't catch it right away and does that make a mess. I am going to order a fly wheel cover tomorrow. But am wondering if others have gotten the cover already or if this is a common problem. It does seem as if there should be a cover with the machine.

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Gail - Welcome to the forum!! Yes - it is a bit of a common problem, that is

why that made the cover..... as of yet, I do not have one. I agree, seems a

bit silly to have to buy this extra little thingy for a machine that you spent

how $$$ much for?!?!

I have pulled thread out of there a few times, not a problem with my little

needle nose plyers!! Once it was in there SO tight.... I spoke with Amy at

the factory and the turning wheel was to close and tight up to the next

thingy and so on.... a little easy adjustment, and now I can get that thread

out NO problem!! Still - I too would perfer not to have any in there at all!

Oh well - Thread breaks - it happens to all of us!

What machine do you have and how long have you had it?

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I have the Millennium and do really like it. Have had it over a year but have had it up and running only for about 6 months. Need lots more practice. Guess I will be calling the factory tomorrow to see about that cover and also to get some screws that were in so tight that the heads got rounded out getting them out.

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The new Machines have a cover over the flywheel.

I have several Hartley Flywheel covers in stock and will sell them for $15 including shipping and no handling (CON US Only). Removing the side plate and removing thread will convice you you need one. It did us.

We also carry screws, guides, needles, bobbin cases, bobbins Etc. We only charge actual shipping cost and no handling charges. We have most Hartley products and the Turbo Bobbin Winder in stock.

Gail we really enjoyed Ely and enjoyed watching the Loons on the Lakes.

Email or call me at our studio.


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i replaced the silver screws on my head with what DH calls "machine screws" they have a raised head which makes them easier to get off. i can do it with my fingers (no screwdrivers needed) i also agree that the silver screws are too "soft" and strip out easily when trying to remove them.

i tried to take a pic of the screws...


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I\'d had my Liberty a year before I had thread get wound around the flywheel. I spent a good 45 minutes unwinding it and cutting it out. Then I put the cover back on and went back to stitching. Five minutes later it happened again. I couldn\'t believe how much thread could get wound around the flywheel in just the few seconds that it took for me to realize what happened and to get it stopped. This time it took over an hour to get all the thread removed. I ordered a flywheel cover and taped a piece of plastic over the flywheel until the cover arrived.

I was really glad to see that the Millenium came with a flywheel cover.

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I had to remove thread several times before I bought the fly wheel cover. It was worth it, although it kind of chaps me to buy a product as expensive as these machine are only to have to purchase additional things to make it work better - then have the manufacture include these items on the newer models....enough of that...

I find that the thread I have the most problem with is Bottom Line and Rainbows, the thinner threads. I don\'t have that problem with the heavier threads.

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There\'s no need to buy anything to fix this problem. I used to have this problem quite often so I took an empty thread cone and split it lengthwise and attached it over the flywheel with duct tape. The tape matches the machine and works great. Check it out at the site below. Or go to my webshots album in the quilting tips album to see it.


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Mary Beth - I detest things that waste my time. So, I set my room up the way it works for me. I like to have things at my finger tips. I have my rulers all hanging behind me in case I decide to use one I don\'t have to look through drawers and such to find it. I just turn around pick it up and go for it. Same thing for my seam ripper, crochet hook, dental floss, marking pencil, whatever you may want during the quilting process, I try to keep in the soap dish on the side of my machine. Those pictures are kind of old cause that isn\'t my Millie but I still use the same system. I love sharing ideas. Anything to make it easier right???? More time to play.

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