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Pictures of latest quilts

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Love the quilts, such great - bright colors. I love the frog quilt - I was once a frog collector myself...passed it on to my DD ;)

Just a suggestion, you did show a couple of close ups - show us more!! I like to see the quilting designs, and I bet if you are directing customer\'s to your web shots they will want to see it too. Take lots and lots or pictures of each quilt.

My brother owns his own business and he advised me to take every angle and evey lighting possibility and then sort through and pick the ones you like best...that works for me.

Great quilts.

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You go, girl!!! You are going to be a master quilter in no time!!!! I, too, love your quilts - they are dazzling and original - your creativity is inspiring! I notice you did not post the doggy quilt. Do you need a picture of it? Let me know. Cara was so impressed and she loved it!!

When I take pictures of my quilts, the quilting shows better if you have a side light, no flash (the flash sometimes washes out the detail) and don\'t be afraid to use that zoom on your digital - just make sure you have things in focus before you "snap".

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Cheryll - Very nice! Just spent some time looking at your photos..... Love

the fat cats in swimsuits - great echo / fill quilting on those blocks!!

Oh - and the candy corn quilt, my first thought was slices of pizza! I can see

that in a quilt too!!! Thanks for sharing the link - keep them coming!

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