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Just going to vent about a nasty customer!

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o.k. It has been a couple of days now and I have calmed down a bit about this all. This person have been a thorn in my side for ever it seems! Yes, it is my fault for ever saying I would do this quilt.....

A quilt shop owner call mid-Sept. and asks me if I could get one more quilt done by Christmas, I said yes "But it will be the LAST one I do, it won\'t get done until RIGHT before Christmas". (I know I said that at least twice too!!)

Cust. calls end of Nov. asking where I am at with it, because she is trying to plan her Christmas. Which she deceided would be on the 20th, I told her I will have it done by the 18th, giving her a couple of days to bind it.... she agrees with this...... Calls first week of Dec. and I remind her of that date.... "OH - that will never do! That\'s not enough time!!"

grr..... She starts complaining saying that I told her I was going to be working on my own quilts for a couple of weeks before I did hers....:mad: LAST button pushed right there!

Now what I said word for word was " I am trying to get everybodys quilts done as soon as I can, so that I have a couple of weeks before the New Year to work on MY quilts"

This is where I had another chance to just give the quilt back. Shoulda - Coulda - woulda!!!!;)

How many of you out there would work on your own quilts NOW before doing cust. quilts that you said you would have done by Christmas?!?! AS IF!!!!!

And the story gets longer and worse. Cust. picks up quilt, complains about price, shop owner calls me and belittles my work infront of customers, says it is "just a contiues thread"

says that she "will just have to pull my cards from her shop if we can\'t work this out" Also, goes on to complain that "You have had this quilt since Sept. 20th".... YES I HAVE!! As well as MANY others!!! This thing was 90 X 102, I would charge $95 for overall, I only charged her $20 more - the PITA charge alone should have been an additional $50!!!!

Owner goes on to say that "We never knew it would take this long to get done".... WHAT? I said "FINE! Take $20 off and this is the last I want to hear about it!" I do not lie to people, nor do I allow them to call me a liar or lie to me. I do NOT play mind games or try and manipluate peole into doing things. I HAD a sister who would always do that, and because of her my mothers last words to me before she died were very mean and hateful. I have not spoken to her for over 10 years and she only lives 25 mile from here. Wrong time of year to be digging up these nasty thoughts!

:(So - owner comes up to me at our guild party/ meeting to give me the cust. check, and also gives me $20 cash. So - she is trying to make it o.k. I think. My husband with the smart mind and calm manner, says to let it go, move on as if it never happened. Again - AS IF!!! I wish I were the type of person to forgive and forget, but that is not me..... sorry so long and sad, just needed to say it to others who would understand, I hope....

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Judi, Sorry to you have such a horrible experience this close to Christmas. I never give anyone a time line on when a quilt will be done. I have a life and life happens. I am so glad I started doing that especially when Daniel started having his seizures and the first of the year I had legal situations to help my Mom with and you know all of that just takes a toll on you and to have a pressure of getting a quilt done, forget it.

But you know what I have some good news for you, and you have to keep this a secret :P. (Shhhh! whispering - I have your Birthday Block done and will be mailing it on Monday if I can get out of the driveway. Been getting others done too, but thought you needed a pick me up. Remember our secret until Monday...)

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Judi, I feel your pain honey. I\'m to the point right now that I am so

sick of customers I may not take anymore.

I\'ve told one lady that I wasn\'t the quilter for her and she would have to

find someone else to do her quilts. I think she had the beginning of

alzheimers (?). She came up with some dooseys.

I don\'t know what to do about the shop owner. I am very quick to get

angry. I would of probably marched right down there and yanked my own



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A big ole vat of eggnog and some chocolate fudge always helps me get a little perspective at times like this.

I feel for you, Judi, as I am having similar problems with some "friends"--I am feeling the friendship is being used to take advantage of me at this so-busy time.

I warned at the end of September that I was getting booked for the holidays and the "friends" would need to get on the list if they needed quilting before Christmas. No one said a word. I then shared with them how I would have to be super organized from October to Christmas to make all customers happy and give them time to bind and/or mail their quilts (and also to allow me to decorate and shop and maybe have a Christmas for myself.) Again, no comments or questions.

The first of December two "friends" came forward--one begging and pleading to get a smallish top "squeezed in" for mailing right away! The other one called and asked when could she drop off her top! I asked her if she had forgotten to tell me to put her on the list. She said she thought she had mentioned (!) it to me, but maybe not--she really couldn\'t remember.

Whew! I fit the first one in with a quick panto. The second I told not to bring her top until I called her as she would be the LAST DONE and maybe she would not make it by Christmas. OK. I busted my you-know-what and called her four days ago--I was ready, bring it over. Well, it was for her brother in Wisconsin and my delaying (!) meant she would have to pay for priority shipping to get it to him. Hmmmm. I didn\'t say what I was thinking--just waited for her to make a decision. She sighed and said she guessed she would bring it over--how quick would she get it back? She initially wanted a (cheap) all-over but at drop-off decided it needed this here and that there and mayby ferns here and a nice border--which pushed it into custom pricing. It is now done, paid for and in her hands.

My DH says maybe I need new friends!!! I am usually very generous with my buddies--discounts or jumping a level of quilting without an extra charge. I also try to fit their guild charity projects in for free. Well, new program this year, I guess! If these "friends" drop by the wayside, I don\'t think I will be missing much.

BTW--I have several real friends who would never think of taking advantage of me in any way--they bend over backwards to help me and I would do anything for them!!

Bless everyone--friends and "friends" this Christmas!!! You all are some of the best friends I have--love ya!

I feel better now and am looking forward to the rest of the time before Christmas! (It\'s my 57th birthday today and I feel great!)

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Must be the season. I had a customer call and wanted to have me meet her at the LCS and she would give me a quilt. She didn\'t show the first time. I live 1/2 from the quilt shop, we are expecting 6-10 inches of snow, I have a party with my husband\'s work tonight, and I have one more quilt to do before my own stuff. I waited over 1/2 hour and she never showed up again. I think next scheduled meeting, I might just not show up.

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I agree - Happy Birthday Linda! Hope you have a wonderful day and a very

Merry Christmas!!

Thanks for the comments.... my husbands first piece of advice that I am going to take -

Never say it will be done by a certain date!! That\'s right - like it or leave it - I have other quilts to do!! I think I need to raise my prices with the New year too.... thinking about that one. Oh Chocolate! That would help!!

I tried the Southern Comfort after my guild meeting..... still didn\'t sleep good - couldn\'t stop thinking about it all.

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Judi, You don\'t need that customer, you have plenty of others. Also, if that shop owner threatened to pull your cards because of this one PITA customer, then I would seriously consider my relationship with that shop. Even though she gave you the $20, her comments to you were out of line.

If you were belittled in front of other customers, how much potential business did you lose? That was not very professional of her. She owes you a major apology and some GOOD referrals.

just my two cents worth.


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Dear Judi, oh, it\'s too bad this happened to you. How unfortunate! Some people are so self centered and don\'t care to complain to everyone (twisting the story to their advantage). It seems to me that this customer went blabbing off to the quilt shop owner and exaggerated her side of the story. Unfortunately, you got sucked down into the deep black hole that was created.

Well, I am sure that most people would hear the "exaggerated" version and take common sense to know that this was too horrible to be true and take it for what it\'s worth...(not much). Thankfully, time usually heals all wounds, and people tend to forget the yukky things. Most folks who heard the story won\'t even remember about it in the future. Don\'t let this ruin your day, week or especially Christmas. Rise above it, and continue to be the classy class act quilter you\'ve always been. People know the real truth and after the dust settles, like I said, most folks won\'t even remember. So, enjoy your holidays and take a deep breath and know that all will be OK. Take the high road, stay professional, continue to be exactly who you are. If someone mentions it in the future, just agree that it was unfortunate to happen and obviously was a big breakdown in communication and a misunderstanding, and leave it at that. It\'s always good to vent, let it out, cry a tear or two, but drama in the moment is always forgotten later. And, remember sometimes bad experiences like this will be to your benefit in the future. We all learn from these things, don\'t we! ;) So think positive. Life is good and all will be OK in the end.

(((hugs))) Shana

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Judi, Hope things are getting better for you. I would say you don\'t need customers like that. She should be happy that you got it done for her at all.

Happy Birthday Linda! Hope you have had time for yourself to enjoy the holidays.

Merry Christmas everybody!!


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I was just all in knots today as I dropped off a quilt at a VERY NICE quilt shop in town (for a cust. with the same first name...) but she Loved it! Was

very happy with it and so sweet. I forgot to charge for making the backing

for here when I told her the price on the phone - so I said it was a gift from

me to her! Merry Christmas!! I finished that baby last night at 9:00 p.m.

Today at my girls Piano recital my little 7 yr old had a "bad burp" that just

had to turn into something ugly.... yes you guessed it! They had just done

a bunch of remodeling at the nursing home so I didn\'t even know where

the bathroom was! No garbage can in site..... Oh Mamas hands can only

hold so much.... maybe I can finally decorate my tree today... Where is that

chocolate??!!!!?? I am off to ring bells now with my 11 yr old for Girl scouts.

My life feels like that song that spoofs the 12 days of Christmas - where the

guy from honeymooners says "OH - them bells!!!" ya know the one I mean? (or is it lights?)

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"Today at my girls Piano recital my little 7 yr old had a "bad burp" that just

had to turn into something ugly.... yes you guessed it! They had just done

a bunch of remodeling at the nursing home so I didn\'t even know where

the bathroom was! No garbage can in site..... Oh Mamas hands can only

hold so much...."

Oh Judi, I feel your pain. What is it with mothers always trying to catch stuff?

Hope you have a great day today :)

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Oh, my. I have 3 more years of teaching before I retire and I was looking forward to maybe doing some quilting as a part time business after retirement. One thing I was looking forward to was not having to deal with unreasonable parents, but it sounds like I\'ll trade the parents for unreasonable customers!:o

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Judi, WTG for putting the bu**head on your "will not work for" list.. I am like Michele, had the shop owner sided with her in front of others, I\'d have gone and picked up my business cards..

As for the one who thought $45 was too high for her quilt,, maybe her work isn\'t worth that much! I\'d probably open mouth, insert both feet and walk around, with something like, "Oh, I\'d hope your work would be worth much more than that!"

There\'s no explaining or understanding some people.. just plain selfish and self centered thru and thru.


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Judi, the next time the shop owner calls to see if you can get a quilt done, tell her to write down the information so that there is no confusuion over any of the facts. Like the date to be done by, the cost and also let her know that does not include any additional charges that may be added if you have to go above and beyond the norm.

I could tell a "shop owner" story here, but I don\'t want to get mad all over again. SOOOOOO, I think chalking it up to a misunderstanding as Shana suggested, is a good way to go.

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Thanks for all of the advice and thoughts.....

Oh yes, today was a much better day! Finished my shopping (I think!) and

I only have 2 little quilts here that I might try and get done this week. I

never said they would make it before Christmas, but these ladies are both

VERY nice and have been very good customers of mine for a couple of yrs.

Then I AM doing my projects for the rest of the year! What ever they may

be, sewing, quilting, cross-stitch or knitting..... I don\'t care - as long as it is

just for me or my girls!!!!

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