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NQR Wish me luck!

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We go to court tomorrow to gain permanent custody of my two foster children. They have lived with us for the past 5 years, and this is the next step towards adoption.

The only hiccup in this process is that the bio dad has threatened to file his own motion to prevent us from gaining permanent custody, but since he is in prison for child molestation, our lawyer doesn't think there is much chance of that...of course the judge in the case has been known to bend over backwards for the 'rights' of bio parents while ignoring the rights of the child.

My husband said I am a worry wart, but when my kids are concerned, I don't think I can be too careful!

Jeanne Morris

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What the huh whaat??

Nini, if the judge bends over backwards to give this "convicted prison-bound-child molesting-bio-dad" the rights to these children, then I will run screaming off the next cliff that happens to be in my way!

Some how I think your lawyer sees the logic here, and I am sure the judge will, too. I know you are worrying cuz you don\'t want to be hurt. But, you need to be CELEBRATING instead! Think good happy things. Tell yourself "It\'s only one more day and these kids will be OURS!" "24 hours from now we will be having a celebration as a REAL SOLID FAMILY!"

Say those types of things. It works! :)

PS: Congratulations. Those kids are lucky.

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Bio dad doesn\'t mind us HAVING the kids, you know things like paying all expenses, dealing with all the physical and emotion problems the youngest has, and dealing with the day to day things... he just wants the kids to know him. Things like he wants them to visit him (over my DEAD body!); to have his name (even though he has never legitamated them) and to know that he is their bio father.

Hubby says it is a cultural thing. Having a son is important to him...makes him a man! (yes, it is true, he doesn\'t want his daughter!)

From what we have heard, this judge feels the \'family ties\' shouldn\'t be broken. (Keep in mind, bio mom hasn\'t seen either of the kids since the youngest was in a coma 3 years ago. But she is the type that will come running out of the woodwork if she knew there was an insurance settlement in the wings!) Since my husband is a police officer, and I used to work for the juvenile judge, we are having to get a \'guest\' judge to hear the case... trying to make sure the bio parents can\'t come back later and contest it. Unfortunately, the luck of the draw is against us on this one.

I\'m trying to keep positive thoughts... tomorrow morning at 9 am is when we have the hearing, so I doubt I\'ll be sleeping much tonight!

Thanks for all the positive thoughts coming our way!

Jeanne Morris

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Jeanne....You have my prayers and whatever else I can send your way... I have custody of our oldest Granddaughter....not because mom (our daughter) wasn\'t a good mom, but more because the man she choice didn\'t want a stepchild and she decided to keep the family unit intack with just her, him and now two other children. Siana\'s dad is a total dead beat, druggy and no one has even heard from him in over 3 years, but if he knew that I was going to get her....(his name is not on her birth cerfiticate and its been on record that father is unknown....a bit of a non-truth), he would be right there to cause trouble, and claim he loves her and can\'t live without her.

And the Judge who more than likely would have heard this in Reno...would have been more apt to go with him as the guardian than as us, because he is the father. Yes, he would have had to get a DNA, but that would have been nothing to get if he had choosen to.

I so hope that things go as you hope...these "Littles" need you care and love...my prayers go to you and them.

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We just got back from our court date. While the outcome was what we were hoping for, we did get a couple of tense moments when the judge was concerned that the father was getting due process...

He finally saw the letter written by bio dad and concluded that we had proof that father knew about the proceedings, even if he wasn\'t properly served.

This might come back to haunt us, but everything is fine for now. Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers.

Jeanne Morris

mother to Damien and Brianna

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So happy to hear that things went good for you and and the kids. They are so lucky to have you. My heart goes out to the children who have probably suffered from their bio family. I taught school for 23 years and I saw a few kids who I wished had a good family to take care of them. I wondered if our APQS group might like to celebrate with you in someway. Showers are given when a baby is born. How do you celebrate becoming a family like yours? I was thinking if we might each send you a colorful square of fabric to make into a quilt celebrating your special family. Notice I said square not a block so as not to be a burden to anyone. I was thinking about maybe a 8 inch square. What do you think? If you like it I can post it.

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So happy that the Lord heard everyones prayers and he helped the judge make the only right decision there is. Congrats!!!


Would love to be involved in helping Jeanne and family to celebrate. Let me know if we are going to do this.


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