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Who plays Guitar HERO

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My husband bought me a Guitar Hero and Wi and let me tell you it is a BLAST!!!!!

Any quilters out there who like this. I\'ve never been one for games except pool and Trivia maybe and not Nintendo but this Wi is so fun.

It is so funny watching beginners too. The body language is just a RIOT when playing these guitars.

He wanted to cheer me up and I think it might have worked. lolol I\'m a KID again. YIPPY

Have a good week everyone.


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Grammie Tammie I can just see you with that guitar........lol and being a kid again, what a hoot!!! My grandkids got a Wi for Christmas and I have to admit I feel like a kid too when I play it with them. It is just way too much fun...:P:P:P:P I know what you mean about the guitar because they have one too.....what a hoot that is...... does anyone else out there have one???


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You are so cool! My kids have Guitar Hero, and think all the songs from it are made just for GH. We\'ll hear a song on the radio and they\'ll say, "That\'s from Guitar Hero." I\'ll say, "Nooooo, that\'s an old Kansas song!" It\'s the same with the Simpsons. They think everything originated on the Simpsons. I have to remind them its just a parody!!!!

Rock on.....


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We went to Springfield for a bowling tournament and my DS brought his Guitar Hero to entertain himself and his sisters during the down time. WOW!! That was so much fun. Of course, I was "booed" off of the stage the first couple of times that I played, but I persisted and could get 80+% correct. Very addictive!

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We do Rock Band in our house. Generally on Sunday afternoons. My son who is amazing on the guitar is a little less than gentle with me but I\'m pretty good for a mom (all those piano lessons). I do however rock on the drums. itune purchases are up too, I wonder why?

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We purchased the Wii too. OMG, here I am, 50 yrs old and loving every minute of wii. Now, as far as Guitar Hero, I have to go to my next door neighbors to play it. Hubby says since he cant "strum" and click buttons at the same time, it\'s not worth t he $$.

Is he NUTTS????????

It took me forever to get him to buy the wii, now he\'s in front of the big screen with that thing constantly!

(it is a riot!)

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I think this was the #1 best selling game at Christmas this year!

My boys would spend all day on this if I let them!

It is fun to watch them try to keep up with the music!

But I still like to see them spend more time on their real guitars, I guess I am a stick in the mud!:P

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I like to play the drums in Rock Band. It\'s not as easy as I thought it would be, but it\'s a lot of fun and I dream of having a set of live drums! But I\'m not very good, because I can\'t take enough time away from my quilting to practice enough!! My grandson is really good at the guitar though, having played Guitar Hero since it first came out till now, and gets impatient when I make us die!

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My DH and boys all love Guitar Hero and my 5 yr old DD. We have 3 guitars. I have never tried it for fear that they will laugh at me. That and that I would get addicted and never get anything else done. It is funny to hear them singing songs from it and thinking that was what I listened to when i was their age. My FIL finished his basement just so that he could have the grand kids over and play video games. He went and bought a Wii and has a place to hook up 4 gaming systems. The kids are all waiting for grandpa\'s basement party just so they can go and play all day. Guess where I will be for the weekend? Thank goodness they live next door and I can come home at anytime and go back and get the kids when they are done.


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The Wii is fantastic. We visited my dear daughter and family in January. I went down with all the aches from sitting too long on the plane. My daughter told me to check out their Christmas present. Well, after bowling, and singing with Hanna Montana, and tennis, I was hooked. My daughter did the guitar thing...but I just enjoyed laughing as she danced with the guitar. Yee haw!

Guess what I want for Christmas! What a hoot that system is. I think its the best exercise for us oldies!!! I even heard from my son that they are putting them in retirement centers. Boy, would it be fun to be a bug on the wall!!!

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We could bring some life to the pre-show evenings (Sunday and Monday). That little room next to the bar should do just fine! LOL.

BTW. American said they did not have a limit on bags (when I booked my flight and decided not to drive). Just yesterday they said it will be $25 a bag (after the 1st) beginning in May. They can\'t cut down on my spending that way. I still plan to bring two empty bags. Now If only I could get a big roll of batting to go on the plane....

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