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Here's the "2007" Great Alaska Shop Hop Quilt

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WOW Shana! You really did a great job and you are a great quilter. Your customer is really going to love it! You are a little crazy but so what, we all are in some way or another...:D:D:D

You really had fun with your different threads and I like all the different designs you used and just went for it.......I love your imagination. You go girl.......you\'re awesome!


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Originally posted by lyonden

Boy Shawna, you didn\'t even let the box in the house did you. Great quilting!! I love how you brought the quilting outside of the squares into the background. I wouldn\'t have thought of that. It really makes it pop.

They are going to love it. :)

Carol and all: I have to admit that at first, I just quilted inside each of the star blocks, and later on (because I didn\'t get the effect I wanted -- I wanted MORE sparkle!) I went back and did more (extended outside the star blocks) and it really worked and I was pleased with the result.

As you all know, it\'s really hard to really see this through photos -- the pictures just don\'t have the same effect as if you were to see this in person. Because the camera lens is much different than the lens of our eyes -- it shows up differently in the photos. It really does look good (sparkly) quilting outside the block and into the background sky area.

Thanks, everyone, for your comments and support.

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I too love the quilting out of the blocks. It has a certain hippie, rebellious, "stick it to the man" kind of quality.:cool:

I also particularly like the blue corner. It looks like a fiery, turbulent sun.

Sorry, Margie\'s gone for the afternoon so there\'s no one here to limit my posting fun...


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Sounds like my kind of place. I\'m afraid Margie might be a little too \'school-marmish\', but she was a hippie once too.

Thirty three years of teaching algebra and geometry have rounded the sharp edges a bit.

Unfortunately, my rough edges are still pretty pronounced...:D

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Oh my Gosh Miss Shana! You really made this quilt sparkle. Your customer is going to be

doing the "happy dance" when she lays eyes on this beauty. I love all of the blocks.

You are really using those great techniques you have learned. Great Job! I hope you, hubby and

puppies are doing well!

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What a gorgeous quilt first of all, and you nailed your quilting with wonderful texture and flow.....I so enjoyed drooling over all the different designs you used and like others thought your quilting that came out of the block really rocked!!! Keep up your great work..... :cool::cool:

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WOW! Shana-Babe! You just let your sparkley self just sparkle out all over this quilt! I can tell you must have been having a ball with this one! I have to tell you you how proud I am of you, it was, what, a year ago you were still getting over your injury and having to delay getting your machine and now look at you! You rule!

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