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New name for stipples

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I was watching QVC today-It\'s quilt week apparently& the salesperson was going on & on about something called Vermichelli ? stitching- I waited awhile for a close-up & when they showed it- it was stipple!!! I had to laugh! Thought you all might get a kick also!! Can you charge more if it has an italian name???


I don\'t usually watch the shopping channels unless I can\'t sleep-saw it on the programing!:P

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In the drafting world for architects, engineers, and landscape architects, stippling is a series of dots to denote a type of material change from the form next to it. I like the pasta reference because it really fits better to the shapes, though I\'m going to get caught up in trying to spell it correctly. I think we need a Shana directory of terms. Ha, ha.


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Originally posted by dancingstitcher

In the drafting world for architects, engineers, and landscape architects, stippling is a series of dots to denote a type of material change from the form next to it.


So, Vicki, if we quilt "clouds" or "triangles" on our quilts does that denote a "Change" in design?

Perhaps rather than ripping out my mistakes on the quilt, I will just quilt a giant "cloud" around it and call it good. Hey! No more ripping! YAAY!! What do you engineers think about that????? :P I\'d much rather quilt big cloud around my errors rather than rip it out. So, y\'all if you see my quilts with a big cloud around the outer border, you know I was not in the mood to rip.

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And I feel slighted, hurt, upset, crushed......I thought I had adopted you, and here you are out looking for another fam. Fickle kids these days......Just wait till you want something....money, new clothes, new car, new LA toy, and I bet you remember then those who have adopted you.;)

I too have to agree its a good day when you have made me laugh.:P

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Thanks all for putting a smile on my face this morning!!!

My husband had to ruin it when I went to a Bath and Body foot pampering party last night and he had the "nerve" to ask me how much I spent?!?! I told him THOUSANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

But seriously, I actually like to stipple, and now it will be VERMICHELLI, with an Italian accent of course. You know, instead of Target, it\'s Targett, lol.


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