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Colorado Here comes Grammie!!! lolol

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So what do you think? Cool. I\'m very excited. It is just beautiful everywhere you turn.

I\'m so excited about my FIRST " WHITE CHRISTMAS" Yippy.

I\'m only going to be 30 miles from Tracye and a tad farther from Barb.

OOHH Trouble is on the rise. lol

Keep those good thoughts going. lol It is 99% official. lol

I mean it isn\'t mine until I get the keys in August. lololol


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You really cant see the garage or other buildings but you get the picture anyway.

I think is about 9000 elevation. Sangre De Cristo Mountains from every window. Hopefully I will get some inspiration from my windows.

I couldn\'t wait to show you all. As long as the inspections go well and nothing is discovered and I don\'t jinx myself by showing it too soon . lolol

I\'m just so excited I just had to share or BURST!!!

Hugs Grammie


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Oh, so jealous...LOOK at all that space....I can\'t wait to get back to Montana. I hate tree, did I say that out loud. SO HAPPY for you Tammie....it looks gorgeous...how many acre and what size will be the new studio or are you going to build new? So many question...just snoopy.;)

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Yes wouldn\'t that be fun Mary Beth. The upper floor is unfinished. All the hard work is done. Sheetrock and flooring and it\'s done. I was thrilled to find it that way so I could do the space the way I want it.

The upper floor is over 2000 square foot with hugh 16 x 40 I think and three huge bedroom and bath. I plan to have one of the room be a cutting and sewing room and only two bedrooms. Also putting a kitchenet and frig and such so that it is independent of the lower part of the house. I\'ll do all the planning when I get there. I cannot wait.

You know I think business will be tougher there. Many of Texas customers say they are happy to mail but will that get old them? Who knows. I have plenty to do anyway. lol

The bottom floor has a Huge 26 x 18 extra bedroom which will be my quilting space until we complete the studio upstairs. I\'ll probly never go anywhere again once I\'m there. It is so quiet and peaceful. I \'m going to love it.


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Whoopie - Grammie is coming to town! Fremont and Custer counties won\'t be the same again. Sorry I missed your call but I\'ll catch up with you when you get here.

Oh,Oh Tracye - we\'ve got another driver/passenger for MQS next year! The nearest quilt shop is in Canon City where I live and then Pueblo which is 35 miles from my place. There are several in and around the Springs (45 miles from my place). There are at least two longarm group meetings too. One is in Denver (monthly) and the other is in the Springs (bi-monthly). I can hardly wait for you to get here!:P Your new place is beautiful as is the valley where Westcliff is located. Be sure to buy lots of sweaters and you\'ll be making a lot of quilted coats too. lol Can ya tell I\'m excited!

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Wow, what a fantastic place! You are going to love it there. I was thinking it looked a little like Southern Colorado until I read Barbs comment on being near Canyon City. My dad was born there and I have relatives there, in the Springs, and in Pueblo. In fact, there is a family reunion in Canyon City this September. Let me know if you have a moving in retreat. LOL

It really is lovely. Best of wishes and luck with the move!

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Congratulations from me as well Grammie. Me thinks that you may have a lot of us trying to make a reservations for your quilting retreats. You are going to have them, right? What a beautiful location for it. And as you said, the peace and quiet - Wonderful. ;);)

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Hi Grammie:

You will love Colorado. I lived in Texas before our move 3 years ago in Colorado. I couldn\'t wait for snow. But after last winter (3rd snowest winter in Durango\'s history) I am hoping for a lot less snow this year.

I am not sure just where Westcliffe is in compariosn to Durango.

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I had the chance to visit with Tracye while house hunting. Turns out the home we picked is only 30 miles from her.

Her two children are the cutiest in the world. She is one busy lady. Her farm is just wonderful.

I plan on draining her of farm animal knowledge. lolo

She has a beautiful Home and Studio. She is a very talented gal. I enjoyed her homemade Green tea and visit. I wont\' forget it.

Thanks Tracey. Your a doll!!

Hugs Grammie Tammie


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Having fun with my grandchildren. I cannot wait to be near them. I do just about everything they do and they get such a kick out of that. Gotta alot of ski outfits to buy. lolol

It didn\'t take long to poop me out either! lolol


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