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NQR - Prayers needed

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We received a call late last night that my brother-in-law was taken to the hospital because he had blacked out. They had to do emergency surgery and put in a pace maker. Jim is 42 years old, and has never had health issues. They said that if he had not been where he was the outcome would not have been so good. This is DH's sister's husband. They live in Park City, Utah and are back here in Iowa for his high school reunion and some vacation time. Evidently he has been having dizzy spells but they recently moved from Scottsdale, AZ. to Park City and he thought it was an altitude thing. Hopefully he will be in a regular room by tomorrow and out of the hospital in a few days (which amazes me!). So all of you who are Prayer Warriors...say one for Jim and Angie....thank you!!

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My prayers are with your family Mary Beth and Jim and his wife and family.

What happened to him is exactly what happened to my husband Rick. I know exactly what they are going through.....God will watch over him and guide them through this. If you need to talk to talk feel free to call me anytime......I will listen or just want someone to be there, let me know.

((((((Hugs)))))) Renae

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I have not heard from anyone today - at all!! I hate that. I have tried to call DH's mom - no news, and Angie's cell - no answer. I know they have a lot going on, but if they could just let one person know something....the others could find out from them.

I do know that they questioned Jim a lot about family history, and there doesn't seem to be any record of heart problems in his history. Then they started asking if he has been to any foriegn countries, been bit by mosquitoes or tics.....they go to Mexico a couple of times a year, he rides bikes and jeeps in the mountains, and they go camping all the time at Lake Meade or Powell or whatever...anyway, they are very, very outdoorsy. If they are thinking bug bite, it could have been any where. Maybe it is just one of those things that happen that cannot be explained.

Their daughter is 13 and a typical girl. She wanted to know why they didn't just give him a new heart so he could just get better...then her second thought was to ask if he was going to take her shoe shopping as planned when they get back home from vacation :D

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Just wanted to let you all know, Angie just called and Jim is back at his parent's house. They are so thankful that they were home, surrounded by family when this happened. Jim is doing much better, joking about his "battle scar" and how he has been "recharged".

They also wanted me to say "thank you" for the prayers while they were going through this time. Angie said that she is certain that is helped.

They will be hanging around Iowa for another day or two, then starting the drive back to Park City, taking their time to rest along the way. Some vacation!!

You don't know how much it means to me, to know you all are out there when we have needed you. I appreciate you all so much!!

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