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Pricing delima

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HI! I have a question about pricing..... I just figured out what my little wall quilt will cost . It is 30" x30". and figureing .02 cents per square inch that is only $18!! I really do have more work in it than that!! I think it would be considered custom. How do I do this? SHe has taken things to another quilter out of town, but I don't know their charging . The other little pillow case that I did for her I was charging just .015 for cause it is just a leaf meander. It figured $8.91. I really don't want to over charge cause I would love to be able to do more quilting for her instead of her taking it out of town... but on the other hand, if she does bring me more quilts (the REAL size) I don't want to get snookered by not charging enough for them.! Any help or sugguestions out there? thanks! linda

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Linda, have you thought about having a minimum charge? Every quilt takes a certain amount of time to talk to your customer, choose a thread, put it on the machine, etc. no matter what the size of it is. I have a minimum charge established and so do many of my LA friends. Mine is $50. I don't always charge that much if it's a good customer and they have brought me several quilts. When I started out, I had a $35 min. charge. This is just a suggestion. Maybe others here will be able to give you some other ideas. :)

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Linda Most LA quilters including myself in my area charge a minumum flat rate fee.

Usually $40.00-$60.00. So the small items that factor out below your flat rate fee you would charge the customer whatever your minumum fee is.

I just did a 36x36 panto on a quilt. I charged $45.00 as this is our minumum fee to put anything on the rack.

The customer was very happy and most customers don't have a problem with it, as long as they know up front.


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Linda...I'm really new to taking customers and charging, but I do have a minimum charge. Otherwise, you really are totally undercutting yourself. Think of the time, thread, wear & tear on your machine, etc., and at your current prices, without a minimum, you are probably paying her to let you do her quilt. It takes time to load the quilt, something that I'm told will get faster with experience, but the minimum charge helps cover that time.

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I just had a customer bring me two pillow tops to quilt to match a king size I did last month. First problem was remembering what I had quilted on the top--luckily I write down all thread info and do a quick sketch on the back of their intake sheet for future reference.

Anyway, I am booked out to forever and she dropped them off without scheduling an appointment. And then announced that she needed them right away! Oh, and she assumed there would be a very small charge since they are only pillow size. I gathered my guts together and handed them back.

There is no such thing as a small project when you have to load onto the frame. My minimum is $40 and nobody jumps the line unless it is a dire emergency.

Interesting how having customers allows you the freedom to make the rules and stick to them!

Oh, and she figured she could do them on her DSM--she doesn't need them until Christmas! Guess she was testing me!

Sometimes I think I have "sucker" tatooed on my forehead!!

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Linda - You have to add "NOT a" sucker to your tatoo! Good for you for sticking to your guns! One of the greatest things about getting older was that I learned to say "NO" along the way! Now don't get me wrong I still get suckered, like yesterday when my SIL's sister emailed to say she needed a Barney Quilt, no 2, for her little one. He has DOWNS and will be going to school and adores Barney so she wants him to have something to comfort him....couldn't say no to that! Oh yeah and one of my supervisors needed a duvet cover for her little one so I said I'd do it. LOL she said she would pay me but she is a single mom and I know things are super tight. So I see it as my charity work and some day I'll get extra bonus points which I might need when I have less that nice reactions to things :D:D:D! I'm booked for charity for the year!

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I admit I sneak in the odd quilt out of order....usually for really good customers and if it is small and simple. But for some people I wish I could ask them why they think their quilt is more important that the ones from quilters who planned ahead and booked a time....oh my, I guess that sounded bitter :o but I'm usually pretty easy-going except today had to deal in Income tax people with the gov't and still slightly in a pissed-off mood! Time to slip into pj's and cosy up on the couch!

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Hi all!! Thanks for all of your input!! I called her last night, and ended up just telling her I have a $35 minumun. She said that was fine. ( Myrna, it is the little quilt color wheel that I sent you pictures of .) Thank you again!! I will make sure if I get another small item, I will make sure I tell them up front that I have a minimum. Thanks!! linda

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