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Little Miss Lenni ARRIVED 9:45 AM

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My Miss Lenni has arrived all safe and sound. She even got in before the remnants of Faye have drenched us here in coastal SC. She was however covered in smelly gear oil. Apparently a 5 gallon can of oil was riding the truck with my poor Miss Lenni and she got herself all full of it. We had to unpack her out of her boxes in the driveway and leave the box to dry out on the porch. I guess I am supposed to keep that smelly box, but not in my house for sure. The Fed Ex delivery man was kind enough to open them up and take them in the house for me. Luckily only half the boxes were oily. The big long heavy rods were not dirty.

So once she was safely in the house I had to leave her HOME ALONE!! and come in to work for the day. I am hoping my DS will take pity on old Mom and decide to put her together for me while I am working. I did leave a hint on the table. Here is the instruction manual have FUN! Looking forward to some great Quilting time and alot of PPP!!! Jeanne

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I hadn't thought about getting Fed Ex to send a new box. I am sure they don't realize that it has to be kept. I will take a picture of it and send it to APQS and let them know. Maybe we can get them to deliver a clean empty box. thanks for the suggestions. JP

She is all set up and ready to go. I have to load a sandwich on and take off. I am scared!! I don't even really know how to work it. I got an instruction booklet to put it together but no manual. I have a dvd that I have started watching, but so far nothing on the Lenni. Not even sure which buttons do what. I have a green button that must mean GO but what does the white button on the other side do? I will watch the rest of my video. Maybe it gets to Lenni eventually. Ya'll have a great night. Jeanne

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No, the video doesn't get to Lenni. I understand she wasn't born when the DVD was made. The white button is needle up and needle down. Everything is pretty much easy to use. I didn't know how to slow the machine when it was on the non-SR mode. Patty B. said to control it with the stitch length button. So far I have just figured it out by trial and error. She is pretty easy to use. Are you having fun yet? Perhaps I'll post a picture of my first quilt. Sylvia

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Well, I got Little Miss Lenni all put together now and I finally had the nerve to put fabric on her and give her a test. YIKES, I really stink pretty bad at this right now. I know it will get better with PPP, but I am having trouble just to follow a pantograph. It looks like I am following it with the red light, but my curves are all square. When I try free motion I go too fast and break the thread, so I guess I will stay with SR for awhile and work with that for the time being. What number should I put the stitches to for SR mode. I think I have it on about 10 and it seems pretty good at that number.

Sylvia do put a picture on of your first quilt. on Lenni. I have all week to bond with Miss Lenni so I am sure we will have some good talks over this next week. She probably says the same thing. This Mom really doesn't know what she is doing here!! First she is going fast then slow then straight then crooked, I just wish she would make up her mind she is making me DIZZY!! LOL

So that is all for tonight we will try again tomorrw and see how we do. I will say a little prayer that we get along better tomorrow. JP

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Hi Jeanne, glad to hear you have it up and going. when Practicing in SR mode, I had Penny set on 10, then on up to 11.. I do most of my stitching between the two, leaning towards 11 a bit.

When you want to stop in one place and go to another, stop stitching and without touching it again, move the needle area about oh 8: from where you stopped stitching. Do not touch white button yet. Then lift up the top thread and move the needle back to where you stopped.. NOW punch the white button to put the needle down so it can pick up the bobbin thread and punch it once more to pull the bobbin thread up. push machine a bit away and clip the two threads, about oh 6"from the quilt. move the machine again, away and the two tails of top and bobbin threads will disappear. Tie and tuck the ends in.

There are two other methods of stay stitching or lock stitching.. one is to take several VERY tiny stitches in almost the same place.. and the other is.. um, now do I describe this... uh.. ok, bring both bobbin and top threads up to the top, using the white button put needle down where you want to start, move thread so when you take another stitch it will be on the öther" side of the needle from the first needle down, switch back and forth, or side to side 5 or 6 times and that should lock the stitch. I would begin sewing before cutting the tail ends off, but only stitch a few inches. If like me, you'd forget and suddenly a bit later, find yourself stitching right over them, wondering where they came from.

Just don't get impatient with yourself.. breathe, hold the handles with 2 fingers, (finger and thumb) or one hand. whatever you are comfy with. Just don't strangle those poor handles.. LOL


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Congratulations on your new baby. She/He will let you know lots about itself like, how it likes the tension, the bobbin tension, whether or not it likes to go f ast or slow. Just like a baby, you will soon learn the sounds that it makes when something needs your attention. At least you don't have to buy pampers!! LOL :cool:

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I was kind of confused on how to get the thread cut from the bottom. I am used to a thread cutter on my Juki. Sure wish this was an option

on the Lenni. I will get used to it I am sure. I am setting my other frame back up and getting it loaded with a sandwich so I can try to sell it.

A friend is coming over to take a test drive so I want to be sure that it is ready to test before I get started again with Lenni. Will let you know how it goes tonight. Thanks everyone you are all so encouraging. I have sooo much to learn. Maybe one day I can help some Newbies :D that would be great. Jeanne

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okay, I turned her up a little bit and I think the corners are starting to come off my circles a little bit. I was trying to follow the panto Chantilly Lace and my loops are still a little short and fat instead of being taller and slimmer. Always wanting what we can't have I guess. I think I will get there with more practice. At least it resembles the pattern in general shape of the design. So that is a little improvement over my first try last night.

Whoo hoo. jp

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