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Lions Club Barn Quilt

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I finished this quilt the other night before the proceedure on my back.. and am very pleased with it. the Thread count was in the 17th bobbin, I used signature cotton top and bottom..

I ended up treating each diff block as one.. the log cabins were all the same, the chickens similar, the barns similar.. the edge blocks, the same.. used 4 thread colors on top..

Won't earn any money, but should become a bit better known thru the advert. of my name on the quilt during the fair and the raffle.

Will post a couple picts here and the rest in my web shots album.



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You really do work well under pressure and that was even with DH getting a rag stuck in the bobbin area. I am so glad that you took pictures so we got to see it before it gets raffled. I am sure they were very impressed. we sure are. Great Job! 17 bobbins, yikes were they prewound or did you have to wind all those puppies? Hope to get going soon and have something to post when I do. Jeanne

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Well, let me see. I know about the fame.. ROFL.. anyway, the name should pay me some, if not greatly.. Sometimes, that's right, money isn't everything.

Thank all of you for the praise and encouragement.. I need that sometimes..

I wound all the bobbins on my Turbo Winder.. Love that machine..

Himself has the backing for his quilt on the leaders.. I wouldn't help him pick the backing.. not my choice, but I think it will be very pretty when he's done. I will coach him on the batting and getting everything lined up and ready to sew. I may make suggestions on pattern, I'd love to see the swirls on it, from Topper and R&S.. and he will have to pick one or two colors from 7 or 8 I'll set out if I have that many that will work on it.

Must get that bath, shower off and put me to bed..

MAny thanks again, it makes me feel good.. luv y'all..


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Yeah, Rita, what fun you had!

(I'd love to do a quilt like that.) I love the grass around the barn, and that SID just set things off. One thing SID has going is that it does make things pop out. I'll bet your adrenaline was running high while you were doing it. I heard someone today talk about the things we do to "unify" our quilts. Doing the same design in similar blocks, a common background in similar areas, repeating elements overall, those things I can see in your quilt. Great Job!

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Again, thank you ladies.. I really did have fun.. and yes. some of the barns are similar.. This quilt is to be raffled at the Regional fair which the Lions Club has sponsored for 70 years, it's biggest category is livestock of one kind or another. In any case, all the livestock is housed in one building from chickens to horses.. all crafts a home ec type things are in one building, and commercial stuff other than midway and food is in one building. Not a very big fair, but a lot of people go thru, especially since its a Regional Fair, not just a county fair.

I am feeling so good.. slept all night. rolled over with minimal pain, got out of bed with no pain, and only one incision bothers when I try to lean back.

I want to go, want to do and am really working hard to not do anything that is going to set me back.. it has taken too long to get to this point, to mess it up now.. I don't want the pain back.

Thanks for compliments and good wishes..


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