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What would you do?

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LOL, not a hard decision at all. I am a nurse practitioner and have been in the ER for 20 plus years. No such thing as twenty and out in the medical field. One job change and ya start over again. I am ready to be done. The chance to work part time (or not at all) and collect a pension; I'm there before the ink is dry on the papers.

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As much as I would say...GO for it...I can say that is a tough thing to decide on and that it is something you only can do. Without knowing your 401K, your savings, your budget, your everything to live on history....I wouldn't even begin to tell you to even suggest something like that.

NOW with that said...yes, you can do it... but,you have to know if you can live and importantly survive...pay your house payment and all that goes with that. Quilting can and does supplement a pension income....the package is a good one and actually that is how I got started 11 years ago...I was bought out from a broadcasting company, didn't get medical or long time pension, but was bought out.....I also have a very understanding hubby who has pushed me into quilting and being able to help him with his businesses as well. Its not for everyone.

Getting a part-time in home care or even in a hospital will give your social aspects that I don't have anymore...and believe me after awhile you start to crave to talk to someone other than the little voices in your head....

I honestly have to say, it was a great thing for me, but its not for everyone...so I would only ask that you really really study on it before you make a hasty decision....

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If they offered me that (which won't happen because a) I'm not a nurse and B) I just skated not being laid off:o), I'd be out the door before the ink was dry on the paper. If you take that money and invest it into a good money market fund, you'll do well.

Not sure if you have ever heard of this guy, but listening to him, I paid off all my credit card debts and quit living paycheck to paycheck (pre-Millie of course:P:P). His name is Dave Ramsey and he has great people working for/with him all over the country to help people get out of debt. He also has great investing advice...check it out at www.daveramsey.com

Sign those papers and run...don't walk...out that door!!:)

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I am in a similar situation. I was ask if I wanted to retire early also by my company. I have 30 yrs and 53 yrs young. It is a tough decision, but I think I am ready to start a new adventure and try something new. Good Luck in your decision, I told my boss yes, now I have to wait to see if they are going to present a formal offer

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An important decision such as this one -- If it were me, I would meet with a professional financial advisor to get advice first. You might need to consider other things that you might not be aware... just my $.02 and worth the $ to get some financial advice from a professional who specializes in this sort of thing.

My employer has an employee assistance program through Magellan. I can get free financial advice, any type of advice, including psycotherapy if I wanted to. See if your current hospital provides this type of benefit and you could get your financial advice for free :)

On a personal note, I am currently 46 but I am hoping to retire from my employer at age 55 (maybe earlier??) and do quilting as a retirement career. Maybe by then I'll lots of skills under my belt and have a steady customer base.

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I was an operating room nurse for almost 30 years before retiring in 2007 at the age of 51. I haven' regretted not one minute of it even though I have had to adjust spending habits. My new Millie arrives any day and I am so thankful that I will have the time to use it rather than going off to work with a bunch of grumpy old surgeons every day! I do miss my friends but not the job! Good luck.

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I am 43 and just starting a second career - job interview tomorrow after a 9 year gap for being a stay at home mom. I'm with the others above, talk to a reputable financial planner - someone who doesn't make money on your final decision. I don't know what part of the country you live in, but our area (AZ) is very short on nursing staff at all the hospitals, etc. You could work part time as a nurse at another facility or a school even as their nurse. Quilt part time. But please don't leap without sound financial advice. I was with Price Waterhouse before the big merger and please get tax advice on the cash being offered too.

Take care and good luck.

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Ramona, the $25000 is part of the severance, a 20 year nurse in this area makes significantly more in yearly wage. I would be hard pressed to make quilting what I make as a nurse...but life is more than patients who want McDonalds healthcare....what they want, when they want and how they want, whether it is the right thing for them or not.

Great advice from all of you. Financial advisor is in the picture. We are probably the only area in the country where there is not a shortage of nurses, believe it or not.

I'd put the whole pension every month into an invstment for use when I do reach 65. I'm lucky cuz hubby works FT and does well.

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Holly, I have to agree with Bonnie, Renee and Shana. It's great to dream about walking away from a job that just sucks the life out of you. However, will you be in a financial bind if quilting doesn't work out for you? Are there enough other nursing jobs available that you could pick up hours somewhere else if you needed to. I too am an RN, and trust me I would love to just do quilting as a business but that's not going to happen. I'm in MA., where there is always a job to be had. There isn't a week that goes by that I don't get a phone call asking me to work extra. Good luck with you decision. I wish you the best. Dianne

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