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I need ideas from my creative friends!

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Hello Shana,

When I first saw the large picture of the complete quilt, I saw the star blocks as flowers surrounded by "leaves". I think a soft flower shape in each block with daisy shaped petals would look lovely and soften the lines. If you feel really creative, maybe you can think of a different type of flower shape to put into the different star blocks......... there's a challange for you!!

Some Vine-y thing with leaves in the white spaces, with a leaf in the green squares perhaps?

(These are ideas from someone who is described perfectly, as a scardy cat, in the "Best ever advice I received" thread!!:) Not ready to put my own quilts on, let alone quilt someones else's quilt!;))

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I would CC the green and the lighter background in the stars. I think it would make the dark points of the star stand out. I would also do some parallel lines in the areas surrounding the stars and may fill in the space between 2 of the lines. You have 4 white areas that surround the green 9 patch. I would do a feather or leafy motif in those areas.

I tried drawing in paint. It's not the best, but you get the picture.


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I took a class with Helen Squires a few months ago. In class she hung the unquilted pieces on the wall, walked outside and then came back in and looked at the quilt with a fresh eye. Then she would ask "What is important?".

I know everybody sees the colorful parts, but I see the white parts that connect all that color.


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I really think you need to do feathers in the white area and make that area shine. Around the flowers you could either line dance and swirl or do SID. The centers really pop without any quilting so you have to make the background shine to pull it together.

Linda isn't it amazing what Helen can come up with and her memory of books?! She was at our guild last year and I learned a lot from her.

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Wow! You all are a wealth of creativity and ideas. I agree with you that the white areas need to shine. The suggestions are great.

Joanne, I'm sure Jessica would not mind one tiny bit. :) That is exactly the same quilt. Thank you for sharing it, too.

Thank you all for everything. You are the best team. Go team! :)

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