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Love mine - I did have to tweak abit. My bobbins were not winding evenly, but read on the forum about adding a felt washer to the little post where you put the bobbin. I added a thin metal washer & my bobbins wind sooooo much better. Wouldn't be without my winder!! and I don't use pre-wounds.

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I agree. I have the turbo winder. I have not ever used the bobbin winder on my Millie, It is an older model and APQS discontinued the on board winder. I have had great use with my Turbo and it winds really fast. Like most stuff it takes a bit to get used to it. I count it as a good buy. Some others have figured out what DSM bobbins you can also use. Pretty clever stuff this forum!

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I love mine, it is a bit keen on trying to eat my fingers, but so far I've kept them all. I found mine only winds the bobbins with slots without you standing there pressing on them. It goes well with my fussy eating machine. Most of the winders will adjust to both sorts of bobbing , but well I seem to like to be difficult.

I wouldn't be without it.


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I have used my Turbowinder several times. I am using it for the quilt on the machine right now. It has taken me several tries to get used to it, it kind of scared me at first. I had been using mostly prewound bobbins but I am planning on winding my own more often now that I am over being startled by the winder. :)

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Here's a pic of mine, it is a 2005 model...I think that was the first year they started making the "Turbo Winder". It came with the purchase of my 2005 Liberty.

I love it, and if you have any problems with the bobbin winding uneven the instructions that come with it tells (shows with pics) how to make the adjustments on how to correct that problem.

Oh and I too LOVE my Turbo Winder :D


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Mine was one of the first ones out ,& it replaced the old bobbin winders that APQS had (the ones that looked like they were attached to a block of wood) the tension disc is a small one with only 1 thread guide going into the disk. Rita's (a more recent version) looks like it would keep the thread at more of an even tension without any "thread lash" (whip lashing of the thread when going at high speed).

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Mine is like Rita's. And I would not be without it. Especially, now since they are giving out those sidewinders. It is funny how we get used to certain things and then hate to give them up. I have learned tho, to buy two of each thread, so I do not have to unthread George each time. I keep the extra on the bobbin winder and am ready to wind more if I need them.

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I have the turbo winder and use it rather than the prewounds. It does a great job on the bobbins and it is fast. The first couple of times you use it can be scary. That thread flies off the cone and bobbins are done before you know it. Mine came with JJ (a milli) when I bought her in 2007.


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I was so glad to read about the Turbo winder, I have one and it scared me, so I am using pre-wounds, I think I will give the Turbo another try. I read the forum all time, but this is the first time I have posted. I got the turbo when I bought my Millinium used, and I didn't even know how to turn either of them on!! I have had it for a year now and Love it!

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