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Thanks Linda Rech

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I looked for a post on your wonderful gadget and didn't find one (yes I know it is here somewhere) I used your crosshatch rulers and they work great. I really hope you are patenting these wonderful inventions of yours. Anyway they worked great and my lines are straight even when I am daydreaming. Keep the gadgets coming.


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Hi Rita,

it's not the topper. it is a ruler (two actaully) that clamp onto your back leveling bar and are at the perfect angle for crosshatching y0ou move the ruler while it is attached to the bar so your lines are always aligned. it is fit to the millie so you have a big sweep . from the back to the front. It made crosshatching a breeze and I loved to do it before I had these. I am a huge fan of this. Maybe she'll post a pic.


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Oh girls, she's had this gadget for several years now. I remember her talking about it at Innovations in 2006 when I first met Linda. We were talking about it when she gave me a ride home one night and she had it it the back seat of her car. It was cool then and probably new and improved by now!! :P

Yep. I think she's holding out on ya......


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That sounds a lot like the Gam Guide long that came with my Gammill. It is about 3 feet long and thick clear acrylic with a set of double hooks on one end that mountto the take-up roller. I hear you can use it for cross-hatch though I have never tried.

You can depend on Linda to come up with ways to improve what we do. And now I see that her Topper can use other design boards from the FRONT of the machine. How cool is that? How about designing one of those for other machines, Linda. Think of the miles that can be saved walking around the machine. :D:P

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gosh guys if I can figure out how to post a picture, my paint program has weirdos playing in right now, I will take a picture of Linda's rulers and the radiant star quilt I used them on. they are ABSOLUTELY FABTABULOUS. have to work until 5 so it won't be until after 6:30 when I get home.

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