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Be careful opening a new blog

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I finally decided to try opening a blog. I got the shock of my life! I tried to start with blogspot.com and I thought I needed more information so I typed in blogspot.com home. Much to my surprise!!!!!!!!!!! a page came up with a woman bent over showing me her behind and much more intimate parts. I couldn't get out of that site fast enough! I may never try to blog again and now I need heart medicine.

Then I got to thinking about all kinds of kids starting blogs and how easy it is to get into a mess like this.

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I'm starting a blog....very slowly. I did start with Blogspot, but am thinking of moving it to Word Press. There's so much to learn..for example: what the heck is a "widget"???:o I feel so OLD when it comes to figuring this stuff out. All I can say is thank goodness for Lynda.com. There are tutorials there on everything!

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Viki, I think we are in a time and place on the Internet where we just have to be careful, period, and unfortunately, we are subjected to this disgusting stuff. Yuk. One time many years ago, I was inocently scanning the internet about horses (back when I had a horse in the mid 90's) and I found a nice story about a man who owned this mare in a stable and I started reading and got further into it and well I soon found out... let's just say the man and this mare had some sort of fantasy romance thing... What?? YIKES!:o I was mortified for like weeks after reading that OMG!! :mad: :(:o

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And you were probably just a young filly yourself, Shana!! ;)

There is another website, I think Kimmy Brunner uses it; and it is specifically for quilters. It's WebsitesForQuilters.Com

Also, google has a blog you can do for free. Check that out too!! It's pretty cool. When I start one, I'm going to use google.

Back to the Millie and my new Circle Lord! That I LOVE btw!!!

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It's pretty common these days sadly. In IT we described them as pink incidents. It is sad how many honestly innocent searches can turn up things you really didn't need to see. I really am quite open minded, but some views are just not flattering to anyone sorry.

I've actually just done a talk and recommended a piece of software call gimp. Do you want to consider how many bad sites that can find you?


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Good Grief!!:o It's happened at our house too. I'll never forget the day my husband yelled for me from his study. I thought he was bleeding to death! I found him with one hand over his eyes and the other searching for the "off" button on the computer. He was trying to find a cartoon website for our autistic son who loves the X Men characters. Well...... you can just imagine what came up! Scared my son and I to death with all that yelling!:P:P

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Oh dear I just had my own incident somehow via here. I didn't open a pink site but one on K&N air filters. That might sound OK to you guys but that was the moment my other half came in and looked over my shoulder. He was not impressed. I am not supposed to look at car or power tool porn, it gets expensive :) I like playing with cars and boys toys. I did convince him I had been trying to look at a quilt, but wouldn't a new filter be nice for the race car.... now it happens to have come up.....it's fate you know..... OK I admit it, I didn't do may case any good :)

Just remember you are never safe, and one man's clean site is another girls downfall.


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You have to watch your own websites carefully too and be careful what you type. When I first got my Lenni a year ago, I went to the APQS site to order some extra supplies. It was when they had the old website. I found a 1800 number to call. They have the 1800 number in several places. Seems the one I selected was not correct. I tried twice in case I just misdialed and both times I got a 'do you want a date' line. When I finally figured out what was up, I found the correct number and told them about it when I finally got through.

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