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Ready to throw in the towel

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Well, everything was level. The wheels were definately a problem. I adjusted all of those and immediately noticed a big difference. As for the tension, I gave up for now. I will work on that again tomorrow. I don't think my Millie likes pre-wound bobbins :(. Don't think she likes King Tut either. As a matter of fact, I think my Millie just may be a Boy! Never wants to do what you want when you need it to. Oh well, for now I think I'll keep it for a while longer and see what I can do. Thanks again for all the support. You're the best.


Oh, and Shana, it was dirty, dirty, dirty under that thread plate. All clean now.

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Like Bekah and you, I have been at a stage, where I have been in tears, ready to sell my Millie and never touch another piece of material again!!!!!!!! If I get one thing right, something else seems to go skew-iff. Since I also have had to work full time lately (12-14 hour days at times, I have not been in to visit Millie for the last four months. I have enough "Grief" and just can't handle anymore with her! (Need a smiley face with tears here!!:()

Now that I have finally reachd the stage where my redundancy is enforced, I will have more time to spend with her, instead of just nights and I have high hopes of finally becoming friends with her!! My aim is to become "Best-ies".

My husband has also planned a trip to the US for us and our two day maintenace course is all paid for, accommodation reserved.... I can hardly wait!! Whoever takes the course, they will have their job cut out for them.:) It will be such a highlight of my trip! (AND I am making my DH take the course as well, because I am a little challenged when having to follow written instructions....... my excuse...... I am a quilter and I need visuals and verbs!!)

Not related to this topic:

In two weeks time, I will be able to listen, learn and watch Sharon Schambers do her stuff.... she is coming to Australia and I was able to get into all of her three, full day classes! YEAH!!!!!!!! :P:cool::P:cool:

Peggy, don't be discouraged, everyone on this forum has had some sort of issue with their machine, just some of us have had more issues than others! I too was ready to get rid of my beastie, but I am also stubborn and determined to win!! (Afterall, I have the power to switch her off if she misbehaves!!;)) These wonderful ladies are always ready to help us, whether they are ill with the 'flu or in the middle of wedding preparations!!! We are lucky to have so many on our side who are so willing to help and give freely of their time and experience!!


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Sharon Schambers! Lucky you Susanne! And for 3 whole days. I am jealous. It is nice to know that I am not alone with my issues. Not that I want anyone else to be miserable too). It just seems like I have tried and tried and it's just not working. Then, all of a sudden I have tension issues added to the picture. This morning I was truly ready to give up and sell the thing. I am slightly more encouraged this evening thanks to all of the wonderful help I have recieved.

This is truly an amazing group. I have recieved phone calls, emails, suggestions, encouragement. Everyone has been soooo helpful. I would feel guilty if I quit now :D.

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Your local sales rep should come over adjust your machine and give you a lesson. I tell all beginners to start with Superior So Fine, play with other threads later. Your bobbins whether prewound or metal should turn clockwise in your bobbin case and you should be able to hold the thread and the bobbin case should stand still and start doing a slow crawl when you wiggle the thread. That way you know your bobbin is always correct and it's your top tension that needs to be adjusted. Eyelashes on top, top is too tight, eyelashes on the back of quilt, top tension too loose. Either your wheels are too tight or too loose. You dealing with all the newbie stuff. It's normal.

You just need a little help. Call your local rep or the one who sold it to you.

There is a great beginner video by Kim Brunner you should buy. Dawn has tension issues article on the APQS website.

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Peggy..........DO NOT GIVE UP UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!!!! Can you hear me ok? I was yellin' sorry. All the girls on this site are amazing and talented and so incredibly helpful. I have a gammill so I can't help you with technical stuff but this is the most AWESOME group of women. I can help with the cheerin' Please don't give up. I had huge problems in the beginning and I know how frustrating it can be. I was ready to throw in the towel as well and I am so glad I stuck with it. Although I have to say that I didn't have this list at the time. I muddled through on my own. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed and I avoided having a 16000.00 boat anchor LOL Gammill ain't got nothin' like this group!! I'd like to say that I love this group and it has enriched my life. ewwww I'm gettin all mushy. Those damn hormones. I'll stop blathering on now. LOL

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I was happy to see someone seemed not to have control of their machine, I keep thinking, (because I haven't done it very long, I just need practice) but I also feel like I don't have control and mine slides and is wonderful so i am back to thinking in my case I need practice

Ramona I do have a question for you I have a Gammil classic plus, and I do love it so when you said the edgerider wheels made a huge difference I am wanting those. Did you put those on yourself or did they put them on for you?

I am so grateful I found you girls, you are all so nice and helpful and supportative:)

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Peggy, You have been doing beautiful work with your machine so don't quit.

As for King Tut, I struggle with it and will never buy more. I have been trying to use up

the spools I have on charity quilts and find dousing them in Thread Lube helps. I know this

has been said before but I really believe that our weather has a lot to do with it. I had

a horrible time with thread the last couple of weeks and the only thing that helped was

thread lube.


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Well DANG.

According to the link to how your wheels should be set my aren't right either. I was having a lot of drag but what I did, don't you all yell at me, is spray WD40 on a piece of batt and wipe down my rails with it. I *think* I read about that someplace. Can't remember for sure where I got that trick.

Boy, did that make things a heck of a lot smoother. Don't know if I am doing something bad to my wheels by doing that or not.

I will tighten my wheel per the picture and let you all know what happens.

Peggy, hang in there girl! The support and info you get from this site is probably the major reason I purchase a Millie.

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The Edgeriders come with Awful Instructions (sorry, but being honest here.)

I think I need to sit down (after MQS) and re-write those dang instructions.

If anyone buys the edgeriders, and can't figure it out (i'm sure you wont...! LOL!)

If it's after 7p.m. central time, call me, (my minutes are free then), or, if you have an alltel cell you can call me anytime, i'll spend the 2 hrs on the phone and walk you thru it.

Just let me know.

Quilted Hugs to All,

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Well, my wheels are not right either. good grief no wonder I feel like I manhandled a tracter when I get through quilting for a day. I am always afraid I'll make things worse so I tend to leave things status quo, quess I'll take a wrench to my girl before I start today. thanks for posting the pictures.

Peg hope things are looking brighter today.

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I also had wheel problems. After research here and printing off a bunch of stuff - I finally quilted a baby quilt (1st panto) without one hitch. Tension was perfect too. Dh didn't think the SR ever sounded right - that wheel was totally not set up properly. It has been a game of a little tweaking here and there. Right now, it is all good!


Milli Owner

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Okay girls and guys,

I did some major adjusting to my wheel, leveled out the table (which really was pretty level), raised the whole thing to my level while I was at it. Running MUCH smoother. I can now handle her pretty well. Still having terrible tension issues. Going to work on it more this afternoon. If I can't get it right, I will call APQS on Monday.

And Rita, I Finally put my zippers on!

I am more encouraged today thanks to all of your help. My Quilting looks much better (unfortunately my stitches do not) and I am much more comfortable at my machine. Thank you all soooooo much for all of your support. You are truly an amazing group. I have recieved phone calls, U2U's, emails. Wow! You all really are passionate and I feel very lucky to be a part of this group (wiping a tear from the corner of my eye).

Thanks from the bottom of my heart,


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Peggy, I am glad things are looking brighter for you.

Just curious about tension problems. Try isolating the problem (I am brainstorming again). It could be lint in the bobbin case.

1) Grab a brand new (unused bobbin) and wind that and try that. See if your tension is better.

2) Completely take out the check spring from the bobbin case. You can pop it out (carefully) with a flat screw driver. Then take a Q tip and dab it with rubbing alcohol and wipe the inside of that bobbin case to get her nice and clean. While the check spring is out, take your finger tips and (very carefully) push up on the prongs so they are sticking up just a tiny wee bit more.

3) Sometimes a tiny bit of lint will get stuck in the bobbin spring (where you tighten with the screwdriver) and that could lead to problems, too. You can carefully (very) lift up that area and blow it out to get any fuzz or lint stuck in between that area.

4) Sometimes it's good to dab a Qtip with rubbing alcohol and wipe in between the tension disks on the top of the machine. I unscrew until it's easy to slide a qtip in there and rub inside that area. Sometimes residue or gunk builds up in between those disks.

5) You told me you bought your Milli used. So there is a chance that your little pig tail guides may have developed groves or notches inside them over time where the thread passes through. If you can get some new pigtail guides and replace these, you might also see improvement in tension.

6) Change your needle often. I try to change mine every two-three quilts, if I remember to do this. Sharp needles are your friend.

7) Don't be afraid to tweak things and experiment.

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Originally posted by JoAnnHoffman

Be careful no to get wd40 on your wheels that touch your stitch regulator wheel. You will get skipped stitches.

Really? Very good to know. I am going to try adjusting my wheels correctly and see if I can eliminate the WD40 all together.

In December, I was having issues with dragging. I had a loaded customer quilt. I keep playing with the tension and playing with the tension until I got it so lose, the carriage dropped onto the table. I almost peed my pants. Fortunately, I was not quilting at the time it dropped and once I calmed down I was able to get the carriage back up on the table. I am such an idiot some days. :P

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Gail, I don't use WD40 on my rails, but I definitely use it to clean my bobbin assembly. Don't you use it for that?

Sometimes I will rub down my rails with a very light dab of car wax but that's maybe 2-3 times a year. Not often. It does help keep wheels gliding smooth.

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