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NQR need your prayers for a quilting friend

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I need all of you to say an extra prayer for my friend Donna. She has been battling cancer for more than a year. She went in for simple hysterectomy to remove some fibroid cysts she has had forever. At her 6 week check-up the doctor informed her that she had a very rare cancer that had spread to her lungs. It is a rare cancer and very agressive. Donna and I first met about 15 years ago. Our husbands were both on active duty. Her hubby is still on active duty and for a while they were moving every year. We lost touch for about 5 years but thankfully she finally got back in touch with me about a year ago. She saw my baby quilt published on the Sew Beautiful website and decided to try the last email she had for me. Thankfully my email hadn't changed!

I ran into her while here in NC. My plan was to call her and get together tomorrow after my company left. Now she is in Chapel Hill go through her treatment. God works in mysterious ways doesn't he?

She is a fighter and is giving it a valiant fight! She is only 45!!!! She has been on 3 different chemo regiments and today started the 4th. She will be hospitalized for the first five days out of each 21 day cycle and will go through three or four cycles. This is an especially hard chemo treatment. She currently has 9 tumors in her lung cavity. she has never been a smoker! Please say an extra prayer for her and that this will finally start to reduce the "ickies." Please just keep her and her family in your prayers!

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Oh Heidi,

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Yes, I will keep her in my prayers, as well as her family and friends. I know exaclty what they are going through....my sister's cancer was colon that spread to her lungs. If she is strong, you will grow in your strength just watching her go through this terrible trying time. My sister was strong too, and she even had the doctor's thinking she could beat it, even though they really knew better. Be strong for your friend, do stuff just to make her smile and laugh and make this time the time of her life.

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You and your dear friends are in my prayers. I am currently in a very simmilar situation with a dear friend of 17 years. Her husband had passed away from ALS 10 years ago. We had lost touch over the last four years, in January I called her because I just couldn't get her off my mind. She had just started her first quilt, and was having some "mysterious" health problems. It was as if we never lost touch, we are still as close as ever. In Feb. she was diagnosed with primary liver cancer. I pray for her every day, she calls me her "spiritual" friend. I know that God moved me back into her life to help her through this.

I try to add life to the time she has left, and boost her faith. That's what friends are for. So be the best friend you can possibly be and God bless you both.

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Heidi, so sorry to hear of your friends illness. I am a firm believer that there are no coincedences. All things happen for a reason. You were suppossed to be there for your friend. Bless you and your friend. I also believe in the power of prayer. I am a RN and have seen many miracles. Prayers to you and your friend and to your families. This illness can affect everyone who loves her. Stay strong.


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