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Can I borrow your Millie...!!??

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Margie informed me today that her machine is going to be tied up with customer quilts until August sometime.

That means the first quilt I ever made in my entire life will have to wait.

It also means that I won't get to enter it in the Ozark Empire Fair. :mad:

I'm thinking I need a trip to Alaska. Shana, you got any free time on your LA between now and the end of July??

Or maybe KC. What about you Mary Beth?

Or Carmen T., you're even closer...?

Ah well, there's always 2010


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Hey MrMargie,

I'd hate to see you miss out on a blue ribbon at the Ozark Empire Fair


How's about Melbourne, the Swine flu capital of Australia lol

I've only my own quilts to contend with and I have zippers!

I'll even put a couple of "shrimp" on the barbie for you :P:D

Cheers Satu

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Gee, Brad, I would have answered sooner but I was out on the lake catching walleyes :D Are you sure you would want to come here? You might get caught up swapping fishing tales with Mike and not get your quilting done :P:P:P I'm just using my Millie for my own quilts so you are welcome to use it if you want. I hate for you to miss entering a quilt in the fair so if you are really serious just give us a call.

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Some very sweet offers...

Margie has mentioned that she needs to get her zippers on, she just hasn't had time...

With fishing close or honey-do chores I'd feel right at home, so I'm not sure that will get the quilt finished.

Shrimp on the barbie though... That's tempting! Not conducive to quilting necessarily, but tempting.

Of course, I could slip over to Meg's while she's gone. Two months MIGHT be enough time for me to get this thing done...


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Originally posted by lym95

.....I'm thinking I need a trip to Alaska. Shana, you got any free time on your LA between now and the end of July??mrmargie

Ohh... So sorry, Mr. Margie but "no can do" as I am like sooo way booked out into the next century with customer quilts, too ..... :D;)

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Awwww.... poor baby. :(

Well, I am sure that you can find some ways to charm your lovely wife into letting you use the machine. There is a way to make it happen. :) Keep chipping away, bring her flowers, candies, say sweet nothings in her ear. Sweep her off her feet with romantic silly poems. Stuff like that. :)

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Ha! If I thought the jealousy card would work, I'd have played it a long time ago. Margie knows she's the apple of my eye though, so no matter how much I flirt she never gets jealous!

How do you deal with a woman like that??

Romantic poems, huh?

How's this Shana:

I'll bring you flowers and chocolates,

I'll buy you dresses frilly,

If you'll get your quilts out of my way,

And let me use your Millie.

I think I'm getting the hang of it!


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I am glad the jealousy card doesn't work. It wouldn't for me either. My husband and I are very secure in our marriage. How else would you have 7 children between the ages of 2 and 12? Huh?

How about just asking nicely and offering to make dinner. That would work for me!

The best to ya! We want to see pictures of the finished quilt. So...start cooking!

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Brad, you make me ROFLMAO! :P You are so clever and funny... and a poet, too. But regardless of all that charm and witty words, the hard part is prying Mrs. Margie's fingers away from that longarm machine so you can get your hands on it for a few hours to finish your sure-to be-an-Ozark-Empire-Fair-blue-ribbon-quilt!

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We have an Ult I set up in the living room that I suppose I could use. I'm just thinking that, as a new quilter, I probably would benefit from the stitch regulator. Maybe I ought to just bite the bullet and learn to LA like Margie did. It'd sure be easier than thinking of all these ways to get her away from the Millie:D


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Originally posted by lym95

We have an Ult I set up in the living room that I suppose I could use.

I was going to ask just that....I didn't think you had sold it yet....so stop your whining and make it work....silly boy.
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If you could help me move my machine to my new house you could live there (it's on a lake) and quilt and I could live in my old house until you are finished with your quilt. It is in upstate New York, much close to Albany than New York City. You could fish and quilt. The BBQ will have to wait until you go home because all I own is a hibatche that doesn't sit level on the ground or table. Unfortunately there isn't much furniture there yet, only a twin size bed. But there is a lot of floor space.


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