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Moxie Madness in Seaside!!!

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Well, ladies and gents, if you didn't make it to today's Moxie meeting in Seaside, you missed it!! Lynda Newell opened up her lovely (did I say lovely? I meant fricking INCREDIBLE!!) studio and home for us and a great time was had by all. We had lots of visiting, sharing tips, tricks & techniques, a delish potluck lunch -- and, of course, show and tell! Soooo many beautiful quilts were shared - I didn't get pix of the quilts or the people - hope someone else will pop in with those.

Melora was presented with her lovely comfort quilt, a cooperative effort by her fellow longarm quilters. After most everyone else left, we got on the machine and played with feathers, fills and all sorts of other goodies - then gave the practice piece to our newest newbie, Debbie. Hopefully we inspired her, rather than intimidating her......;)

One picture I did get was of an insulated cooler that was left at Lynda's home after the meeting. At dinner tonight, Lynda, Patty Jo, Meg and I determined it wasn't ours, sooooooo - Bonnie, Nora, Linda R., Debbie, Brendalee, Melora, Bekah or Maxine - if it's yours, either post here by tomorrow morning or call Lynda, and we'll try to get it back to you.

Next Moxie meeting is tentatively set for Saturday, October 17 at Nora's home in Washougal, WA - mark your calendars now!

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Are you guys really going to do a Saturday? I'm glad it's the 17th, because the 10th is already booked in my calendar. I just may be able to make this one. Thank you for trying a Saturday!!!

I'm waiting for more pictures, anyone?

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Yep, that's my cooler!! The exact same one I left at Bekah's a year ago! Maybe I am trying to lose it on purpose!! I will dig out my camera and post a photo or two.

I agree, it was a wonderful meeting at a quilter's paradise! Lynda's home is full of quilts, one block from the Pacific, warm, beautifully decorated with country touches, a gorgeous 4-poster bed with a net canopy, did I mention quilts?

Then there is her studio. Huge, jaw-dropping, fabric-filled, envy-producing, I-wanna-piece-something, wonderful! Lynda needs to share some of her patterns. She is the Queen of the feathered star and had an under-construction beauty on the piecing table--gabillions of tiny flying geese and HSQs being seamed to make a wondrous quilt.

Great food, tips, show and tells, talk/talk/talk, in a beautiful setting. Sigh....it was a great day.

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Garsh (sigh) you guys are way too kind. I can't thank all the Moxies who made the long trip to the beach to spend the day with me, enough. I am here solo 99% of the time and I absolutely cherish time I get to spend with great quilters in my studio. I am still spinning from all the fun we had.

Anyone in the Northwest who doesn't come to a Moxie gathering just misses soooo much fun and learning opportunities. And, Oh MY GOSH, the food. I have tons left over. I won't need to cook all week, YEAH!!! I'll post the Raspberry Delight recipe later today.

I was so busy watching and learning I only got a couple of pictures so I hope someone will post.

Gee, Linda perhaps we'll have to get together very soon so I can get your bag back to you. Maybe a road trip is in my future, hmmm. Of course you and Dennis could come down for a weekend and we can quilt and the guys can talk Corvette. The spare room is usually open.

There was also mention of a Feathered Star Class. ANYTIME!!

Sooo as I try to get down from this high and actually get some work done I send my most heart felt thank yous to Linda, Melora, Bonnie, Maxine, Patty Jo, Barb, Meg, Brenda Lee, Nora, Debbie and Bekah for making my day so absolutely fantastic. Love you all.

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I had a great time and learned so much. I was a bit overwhelmed when everyone started talking about their machines and I had no clue what they were talking about. I figure by next meeting I will have a better clue.

I was so surprised to be given the practice quilt. It was wonderful to stay a little while after many left and get such great quilting tips for filling, feathers, and things I can't even remember the names of. I also received great recommendations for books and cd's.

When my husband came to pick me up they were so friendly toward him and shared computer information. I'm so bad with remembering names but I think it was Meg that shared her computer info with him. He was very impressed with the info she gave him. He is a computer geek. We only have about a dozen computers.

I'm sorry to go on and on but I was so impressed at how friendly these women were and so willing to let a newbie enter into their world. I look forward to the next meeting and seeing some of them at innovations.

Thanks so much to all of you.

Debbie Zerkel

ps I found the reply box. I don't think it came up everytime I was on before.

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OK, OK, here are some photos!!!

There's Nora in front pondering Lynda's neat cable system to keep her Milli cord out of the way. Lynda and Pat are discussing something in the background. Look at Lynda's great studio--windows and skylights with views that go on forever! The blonde in pink is Meg and Bekah is in blue.


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Introducing our newest newbie--Debbie. She is showing a quilt she finished on her new Milli. The blocks were colored by her daughter when she was a small child. That daughter is now in her mid-twenties and the finished quilt is a surprise for her.

Welcome to the Moxies, Debbie!!:cool:


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This is Melora's garden quilt with her trademark micro-stitching. She has a brilliant batting solution to keep the quilt soft and drapey even with such close stitching. Her crosshatching is one quarter inch!! The entire quilt was beautiful! Look at that lovely basketweave as well!


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OK my turn

I joined the moxies before they were named my first meeting at Maxines was much like Debbie's, overwheklmed and excited at the same time and in awe of how NICE everyone was. I tend to go through life with my glass half full until Brenda Lees meeting in which a few weeks earleir was diagnosesd with a gentice disease that is begiinig to change my life as I knew it. At that meeting I told some of my woes not thinking anything of it. Also concerned I wouldn't be able to long arm not so great a period of time in life. I slowly came out of the Khuebler Ross stage of woe is me pity party. Yesterday, during show and tell they gave me a comfort quilt. I hid under it a cried. I cant believe how thoughtful, kind and comfortating that was. It is on my couch where I frequently am anyway. These are the most amazing peolpe, they are soooooo talented yet sooooooooooohumble and they share their wealthn of knowledge and they make you believe you can do it too. I had Jim send out a thank you on the moxie newletter but just wanted everyone on the chat to know. Actually the bad news had a way of turning into blessings the MOXIES being one of those Thank you all so much!!!

Debbie the reply on shows up when you are logged in, the problem is remembering to logg of.

Thank you all so so much


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Thank you Lynda for such a wonderful time. I got out of dodge for the day and that was worth so much to me. Sometimes our live go in directions we don't always want. I do think everyone was very envious of your beautiful quilting studio me included. Someday I hope to have one as big and nice...



Washougal WA

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You ladies have a precious group, full of life and love, treasure every minute.

Was glad to see the vintage quilt of Nora's. Have 3 similar aged quilts from a friends great aunt, was wondering how to make machine quilting go with the vintage, handstitched piecing, this picture gave me a look at the way to go, thanks, Pat

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Barb just left my house a couple of hrs ago to drive back home in Newport, WA. She is so energetic and has such good ideas, I learned so much on our trip over to Seaside and on the way home too. We stopped at 3 quilt shops and helped the economy out in those 3 towns on the coast. I now can add at least 3 more UFO's onto my list of projects that I just NEED to get done Soon!

Lynda was such a good hostess, donned her apron and grilled up some delicious Hamburgers to go along with all the really good food that everyone brought. As stated above, her studio is to die for...We all thought that we could be better quilters if we had that studio....(?)

I'm going to download my pictures and will post some when I get them off the camera. I so enjoyed these past couple of days. Can't wait until we are at the next Moxie meeting @ Nora's.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

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Thank you so much for the great time, your home is beautiful and you have such a great eye for design and color.

I am very humbled by your amazing design and pattern making.

I really do want to let everyone of the Moxies know how truly special you all are, I enjoy every meeting and can't wait for the next time to see you all.

I do think other parts of the nation should start Moxie groups. Then at the big shows we can all meet!!


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Sorry that Jim and I missed the meeting at your place. Sounds like a "blast" was had by all. We arrived home Sunday night from our week in Missouri and I leave for NY on Thursday for a week for a family reunion. We will be there in October--nice to have it be on a Saturday.


Can you post a picture of your quilt. We'd like to see the finished product.


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Sounds (and looks) like you all had a fabulous get together!

I loved the show and tell. :)

I want to know the size of Lynda's studio. Seriously.

I'm trying to convince my dh that a studio instead of a living room is the best place for my business now that we have decided to stay in our house and not permanently move away.

I need a starting point to negotiate with. ;)

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