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We're having a baby!

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Sharon, I sent you a U2U. Hope if worked. If not, let me know and I'll try again.

Yup, my first LA. I had a shortarm on a Grace frame, but outgrew it so quickly. Needed more space to play! LOL!

You may have your machine up and running before I get my poor Milli out of her boxes. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! Keep me posted as to how you're doing!

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Welcome Mat. My "gator" was delivered in an 18 wheeled semi. You should have seen "him" getting into our neighborhood. The truck also brought out all the neighborhood "lurkers", saying what the ?????? Fire engine red is a great color, please post pics.:cool:

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Welcome Matt.

When Fed-Ex says the end of your drive-way, they mean the end away from your house. Our driveway is about 1/2 km, so we had to transfer the load to my husband's half ton to get it down the driveway.

I just realized that I have a "geographic" connection to all the Canucks in this post:

- born in Edmonton

- married to a "flatlander/stubble jumper (Luseland)

- went to University in Winnpeg and lived in Thompson.

Sharon, where in Sask are you?

Linda where is Cooks Creek?

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Hi Matt :) - welcome!

How fun to get a new baby. I wish I had gotten a big baby like you, but I didn't have the room. I love the fire engine red idea. I would love to hear how you do it because I didn't know you could do that. Now I have heard about the tats but not the painting. Both would be fun.

I love your website but ... I had to stop looking at it because the live feed could become addicting, ha ha.. what a cool feature. You have a great studio and do some beautiful quilting. I look forward to seeing what you and your new milli will do.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Ninth child. You are a funny guy. :P :P

PS: I've got you on my FB and have been checking out your web site...and your quilts are pretty darned awesome, too! Good for you and Bradie.

Shana - did you mean 'Bradie' or the 'Brady Bunch'?

Matt - please take a picture of your machine when it is painted. I would love to see that!

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