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I am just going to add that I really love my QZ. Have I said that already someplace before? :D

I have not tried any system other than the Hartley Fence and the Quiltazoid...and the QZ 'fits' my style of quilting. It just works for me like I want a system to work.

In my opinion there is enough room in the Quilting World for all of the different 'Tools of the Trade'. :)

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Just a quick Thank You to all of our wonderful customers for their endorsements. We believe that there are many unique advantages to our product, and much of the credit needs to go to our testers and early customers, who have given us a great deal of insight and inspiration. Time and again we find that our customers find uses for the Quiltazoid that we hadn't even thought of.

Thanks again to all of our customers for your support, and to all others who have expressed an interest in our product. If you would like further information, please don't hesitate to send us an e-mail, or give us a call.

Linda and Adam Anderson

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I agree that there is room in the quilting world for all of these quilting gadgets...if you ask me the more the better:D

The quiltazoid is the new toy on the block and it is creating alot of talk. It is building a following for several reasons new, quality, and price. Plus the people that own it love it and want to share their enthusiasm with the forum, who could blame them.

This is the same enthusiasm that the circle lord had here a few years back. Alot of it's loyal users are not posting much lately for whatever reasons but they still love their CL.

I bought the CL basic along with some templates and boards but had to sell them last year because I had to replace my Bernina sewing machine. It was the hardest thing I had to do, I certainly didn't want to part with my CL but there was no other way. Reading all of this about the quiltazoid (the new toy on the block) it has me really missing what I had and hopefully come spring I will be in the position to rebuy a new toy, which is why I have been following this thread. After looking long and hard at both products (mind you I never used the quiltazoid) I will probably still go with the CL.

Even though CL basic is comparable with quiltazoids prices with their spirogragh the rest of the CL templates are at a higher price (Michael I wish you could find a way to make your templates more afforadable especially in these bad economicaly times ;)). However the CL does offer a payment plan (does the quiltazoid? don't remember seeing it mentioned anywhere if it does), plus the CL does have alot more templates available now (but I am sure that the quiltazoid will be comming out with more down the road as well) I do like the "stepping" of the CL templates however, like Michael said it is really quick to slide it into the next position.

If I am to be honest (and we all now that I speak my mind, lol :D) there are 2 things right off the top of my head that I don't like with the CL...1) like I mentioned above the price on the templates, if they could be priced from $50- $75 would be great and if the pattern boards could be no more than $300 for the sets. Yes I understand the quality and all is the reason for the higher $ but I would sacrafice a little quality for more affordability. 2) the other thing is the featherz wreath, it is a pretty feather wreath but is hard to backtrack on the same stitching line, basically what I am trying to say is that it takes a bit of practice to make it look perfect, I would like to see CL come out with a long arm feather wreath (similuar to the quilt EZ block, but a little fuller feather) where you don't have to backtrack over the feathers and is less formal.

Oh another thing I like about the CL is that he has the books with the different pattern combinations for the templates (would be great if they came with the older templates like they do for the ginko template..hint, hint ;)) this helps those of us that can be at times creatively challenged when trying to decide what to stitch in the block. Would like to see something for the Diamondz template in this area ;)

Michael and Kay do go that extra mile with customer service and they also have specials and are always trying to come up with new ideas to improve on what they already have and they listen to what the customer is looking for (template/board wise) and try to come up with new products based on what people want.

With every year there will be new quilt toys that come out that will get peoples attention, if you are able to test the different toys out at the shows you should just like you would if you are buying a long arm machine...Heidi's right, you need to find the ones that fit you and that will work best for what type of quilting you want to do.

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Joann, Thanks for the input. I love that we are all free to speak our mind on this forum. :D

And, yes, we each get excited about the products that we own, don't we. :P

You are correct, there is no payment plan offered on the Quiltazoid. Adam and LInda would need to directly answer the question if that would be an option available in the future.

Just for additional information. The QZ comes with a book on the designs that can be accomplished with the spirograph attachment. All of these designs can be nested to produce celtic designs. Adam also includes a dvd for setup and if anyone is interested in the quiltazoid, you may request a demo dvd from Adam.

Holly, keep us informed.

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Yippee, WooHoo, Wowzers!

Setup and working! It's so easy to install, only two screws. I've been having so much fun and I haven't even put the spiro attachment on yet!

Unfortunately I have to go play in a golf tournament. I sure would rather spend the entire day in the studio.

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Ok girls, this was a great thread, but I also want to know about the Edgerider. Terri, I just ordered the Itty Bitty to help me w/SID. Also, just hosted Myrna Ficken for 2 days and she actually stitches in the seam. As a quilt teacher working w/quilters and their own machines, I was taught to stitch on one or the other side. I cannot tell you how this has released my stress. I haven't tried it but I know that it will work.

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Tony123--Edgeriders are a white wheel--I believe they have a ball bearing on the top and bottom of it--at least that is what my DH told me--therefore giveing you a lot more control. My wheels had a flat spot on them and all of a sudden they would get a mind of their own and just not do what I wanted them to--now with these I can just glide right along--now maybe new wheels from APQS would do the same thing--I had just heard such rave reviews about these wheels so I went with them.

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Holly, AWESOME!!!! I was wondering how you made out with your new toy.

Heidi, yes, if it isn't here next Friday I will scream bloody murder at the Customs Boys & Girls.

Also glad to know about the Edgeriders. Mine are coming too. Just got back from my monthly Quilt drop off/pick up and told my ladies to keep on quilting. Someone has to pay for all the toys I buy to make their Quilts outstanding......

Time for a drink, some Pumpkin pie and ice cream and a movie.

Have a great weekend and Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends.

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Great information on this thread. I am waiting for my quiltazoind to arrive. I am quite excited to try it.

Okay, that being said ... Monika - that sounds soooo good. I want a drink, pumpkin pie, ice cream and a movie now almost as much as I want my quiltazoid :D I hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving... not just you but all Canadians :)

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Hi Heidi! That's what I saw in the pictures, the bobbin winder attaches just above those 2 screws. I have to take a pic and send it to Linda! I don't think they interfere with each other but if they do I'll have to remove the bobbin winder I'll just get a sidewinder to use, the QZ sounds like too much fun to not have!

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