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Yah...My New Tamarack Shack Bags Arrived Today!!

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I'm SOOOO excited!! I ordered fabric bags for my quilting business so when my customers pick up their quilts I can hand it to them in a nice bag. Received them in the mail today and gave out my first one tonight. My client was very happy with it and the color even matched her quilt!

I had been working on my logo for a few month just for this reason, to put on the bags, so it is so nice to see the finished product.

*happy dance*


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Kathy, those look great! I ordered some bags from ULine that I will use until my incredibly busy husband has time to make my logo into a screen that he can screenprint on totes for me. Then, I'll be as fancy as you!! That is a great design and such a great way to advertise!

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Yes the intent is for my customers to bring them back with there next quilt. I have a few customers that might get two as they pick one up and drop one off at the sametime.

They are NOT cheap. I ordered 100 bags and the total after taxes, set up fees and shipping was $430 Canadian. So that works out to $4.30 a bag. But for me that is okay as my business is not about paying household bills, it is about doing what I love and I know I'm very lucky to be in this position. So splurging on my customers is something I enjoy and I really appreciate that they put their trust in me to quilt their quilts.

The bags are 16"x20"x 6" so fit a quilt nicely.

The logo was designed by a local guild member who is a retired graphic designer. We worked on it together for about a month. She refused to be payed so I made her a Batik Tote bag and she almost cried when I gave it to her as she was not expecting anything in return.

Now I have to figure out what other promotional items I want to order now that my logo is done. Any suggestions??

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Hummm...What about return address labels, so you can mail out "stuff" to your customers. An example would be holiday cards, perhaps with a coupon that is good for a quilt brought to you in January (or your slow months). Or the logo could be on your invoices. Definately on your business cards. Use it on everything! Maybe magnets for customers after they bring you several quilts. Maybe on punch cards - like the quilt shops use when you spend so much money - punch after each quilt and make the 13th free or discounted or free batting...something that will excite your customers and make you stand out beyond the others.

I really think you have a great logo!

Oh boy...sorry to ramble so much.

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