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NQR-can I ask your opinions??

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Hi girls, I know this is probably not a topic for here but I'm at a loss. I have been chronically nauseous and generally -not well- for 3 months. I went and had ultrasounds which showed nothing except a hemorrhagic cyst on my ovary. I feel like crap all the time. Any suggestions? It actually feels like I'm hungover (I don't drink alcohol so it ain't that)

I'm really starting to feel sorry for myself here.

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Has your Dr. checked you for anemia? There are so many things it could be, lack of acidopholous, the good little buggies in your tummy, it could be something you are allergic to, laundry, dish, cleaning and bath products. some Avon products do that to me.. new candle, room deodorizor, floor wax, window cleaner,

can you remember it ever happening before?

I really just think I would go back to the Dr. and tell him/her you want every test run they can think of that might give an idea, or lead you on to the cause.. no sense in not doing it at the first.. and if they've done it, tell them you want to do it again... or request an appt. with a gastro specialist.

Are you depressed? I feel truely sick when the dreaded black cloud gets too dark for me..

Prayers always help too, so going up for you.. good luck, and if none of above help, consider changing Dr.s. Who knows what may happen then..

Good luck, God Bless, RitaR

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The Dr. Oz programs have excellent info on women's health. After watching his program on ovarian cancer & it's symptoms, I strongly urge you to get a second opinion. I'm not trying to scare you but if it works enough to get more info then I glad I did. There can be lots of other things it could be this is just one that came to mind. My prayers are going upward for a good diagnoses and relief from your ill health.

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Tracey, I'm with the rest, get a second opinion and blood tests done. You shouldn't have to feel so sickly for such a long period of time. You really have to speak up for yourself these days or you can fall through the cracks. I hope you'll pick up the phone right away and get another appointment.

I'm thinking of you......prayers always.......

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I was like that many years ago - could never feel good or rested. As it turns out I have very severe pernicious anemia (can not absorb B12 orally). It was finally found with blood tests and a doctor who took the time to relate all of the blood work - not just the individual readings. Take shots and all is good. Not saying that this is your problem, only that further investigation is totally in order............

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Yup Tracey, get a second opinion and blood work, have you ever had a colonoscopy? You need someone to listen to you and help you get to the bottom of this. If the blood tests come back negative then maybe an MRI or CT scan.

My DH was misdiagnosed with MS for 2 years until I made an appt. with another Dr. to get him looked at. I took none of his records and let them start from scratch, he has Parkinson's, early onset and has done well on the medications until now and now we have to go backwards before going forward again.

So take my advice and get that second opinion and as tired as you are you have to be your own advocate. I am praying for you to get some answers so that you feel better soon!

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Thanks all. I will maybe go to emerg or a walk in. My doctor is still on maternity leave so she works 3 hours a week. Forget trying to get an appointment. I'll go somewhere Monday.

Thanks again for the support. I'm just so tired of feeling crappy.


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