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quilts and keeping cat off, need tips

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How do I keep my cat off the quilt I have pinned onto Lola? I am going NUTS here. I have this really neat cat that I just love to death but I'm ready to throw her into a snow bank LOL She will NOT stay off the quilt that is pinned on the LA. She made this nice little dip the other day when I forgot to release the rollers. When I walk away from the machine for hours or over night I don't leave the tention on the leaders.

There are no doors to my new studio or I would close them to keep her out.

Thank you so much

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put a squirt bottle of water nearby so you can reach it while you're quilting it - & give him a squirt in the face as soon as he jumps up w/o making a big deal about it - be consistent and in a day or 2, he'll find another spot to watch you from.

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I would keep 2 water sprayers handy by the quilt frame and spray the heck out of the cat so it will learn not to go near frame. I have had to do that for my leather furniture also. Mine loves to nest in the batting that is hanging down . We have quite the go arounds but mine has learned not to go near the frame or to claw the furniture.



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There are things at the petstore, like laveder spray, that cats don't like. You can spray this around the perimeter of your machine and hopefully it will keep them from jumping up on the quilts. My cat is still afraid of my machine so she doesn't try to get onto the frame. I do have a quilt just for her to snuggle on that I keep on my sewing chair when I'm not on it and that is good enough for her.

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Next time you have no quilt on the frame just drape a piece of fabric between the rollers. When the cat jumps up onto it she will fall straight through and hopefully will be so shocked she won't go near it for a long time. Mine kept away for 18 months after he fell through.

Alternatively you will have to ,make a board that covers the area or at least put some fabric over the quilt so it doesn't get dirty, though it will still sag.

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I used Yvette's idea of putting a piece of cloth between the rollers with no quilt on there. My cat jumped up there, fell through and hasn't done that again. Also, I made sure to leave the brake off when I am not working on the quilt. It has pretty much the same effect as the loose cloth. My other cat fell though on a real quilt with no brake on and she hasn't tried it again either. The best part about either of these things is that you don't have to be anywhere around when they jump on the quilt, so they don't get the idea that they can do it when you aren't around, like they sometimes do with a water bottle.

I don't want mine near the quilt as some people are allergic to cats, and couldn't tolerate having had the cat on their quilt.

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Thank you all for the great tips. I love the foil idea. LOL

So, tonight before I went to bed I put a long piece of tin foil on the quilt and left the break off. LOL a few min. ago I was woken up by a loud thud, crumbling tin foil and the sound of a cat scooting across the kitchen floor. ROFLOL I think she got the hint. LOL

Thank you again.


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