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Don't want to slow down

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Jessica, don't give up on your Rainbows. Put it away for now and after you've had more time with your machine, pull the rainbows out again and give it a try. I have had a lot of success with Rainbows, even going faster with it I don't get breaks. I'm not sure how fast you are going or how slow you're going. Give it 6 months. Then try it again. So... that's just my thought for the day.

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Shana's advice is pretty much what I did, and now it's one of my favorite threads. Also, I run several strands of Sewers Aide down the cone before I start using it. The air has been really dry here lately, and that seems to make my Rainbows break more easily. With the Sewers Aide though, I didn't have any problems.

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I also will say I prefer So Fine! in the top and Bottom Line in the bobbin. I've used King Tut alot, and it seems to sometime break more than it should, but I'm usually going through a fused applique with multiple layers and the top is stiff with fused fabrics. I also tried Rainbows on that but no luck. So Fine! worked well as it was thin and yet, I'll not do another like that! I started quilting with So Fine! and branched off with King Tut, was happy for awhile and came back to So Fine!.:)

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