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Panto Help, Finished!!!!!

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Everyone who knows us knows we are big time Southern MS fans. We are in the Eagle Club and the Dugout Club. We are members of the Right Field Roost. WooHoo! Last year our team got to go to Omaha for the first time.

The Dugout Club Banquet is Jan 29th and they make bunches of money there auctioning off items. I got the Director to collect 20 T-shirts from the season and am making a T-shirt quilt for them to auction. Picture below.

Now, about the panto. I used the So MS logo to create a pantograph. I am now ready to quilt it out but am now worried that I don't have enough quilting. If you can tell, do the Eagle logos and the words Eagles leave too much space unquilted? If you think so, please make suggestions what to add.


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Hi Sylvia~

From your photos, the panto Looks Awesome!!!!What a cool idea.

I think that once you quilt it out, it will look fuller to you.

IMHO I think if you add too much more, you will loose the effect you are looking for.

I hope this helps.

Let us see when you are done.

I'm sure it will bring in lots of $$$!


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I agree with everyone, the panto is great. I can't tell how close your rows are but if they are fairly close nested it should be fine. How close does you batting say it should be quilted? Quilter's Dream always gives recommendations i.e.

9in etc.

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You ladies and the best - any you who emailed me. I can indeed nest the design more closely together. Actually, that will probably fix my "fear." I am using Hobbs 80/20 (I hardly use anything else). I read that it can be quilted up to 3.5 inches apart. I have had clammy hands just thinking of quilting it out but you have given me the "atta-girl" I needed to start on it today. Thanks so much. I will post again when I am done (if you don't see a pic, don't ask!!!! Yipes! Ha!).

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Good job on bothe the quilt and designing the panto! Great ideas, & what a way to honor your team and support them! Of course, if someone asked me to quilt their team spirt quilt I'd be obligated to do so...and the panto would be a big thumbs up with some pretty little TAMU's thrown in for good measure!

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