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Granddaughter's quilting

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Hey! Patty Jo!!! I too was babysitting with the grandkids in SC this past weekend!! My oldest is working on a rag quilt.! I am so proud of her! She's 8 and she's loving sewing !! I'll post a few pictures! She will have to wait till I go visit her again to work on it again, but we had a grand ol' time!!


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Oh Linda, what a cutie (and the one peeking from behind the sewing machine too). Isn't it fun to help our little ones carry on this great tradition? I hope that you get to go back and finish that quilt soon. What a good time we have with those grandkids. ;)

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What sweethearts!! I see you are starting them out on your Bernina!!

Good for you--I let my DD learn on my "good" machine and she now works in a Fashion Design school--where they made "green" dresses out of used cassete tapes for the Miss America pagent!!

So you never know what you might be sparking!!!

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Hey, Gramma Linda

Who enjoyed the quilting lessons more you or the girls? I think that is wonderful. my oldest granddaughter is now seven I hope this summer to have some time to teach her to sew. She will be great at is as she is very mature, then my son is engaged to a girl with an 8 and 10 year old, so maybe I will get some more granddaughters soon to teach. So glad you had such a great time with them. I have a sign on my front door that says "Gramma's House" Memories made here! What a great true statement that is, it is a two-fold blessing!! Are you any closer to making a move in this direction?

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