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Naming your business

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I'm having trouble with the same thing Norece::)

After I bought my Milli, I gave me a 6 month training scedule, to find my feet & learn the basics. So I'm planning to start my business in the new year, with business cards & pamfletts & such, I'm not sure where to go with a name.

I did have 1 LQS say to not put my personal name into the business name, she thought is was tacky. And I have thought of several, but none strike my fancy.

Also if I want to have my business name on the internet, I have to have somthing called "eminnet domain" (not sure I spelled it right) I think that means that it can't be already be in use by some one else.

I'll really interested in what everyone has to say :)

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Hi Norece and Gerry,

I didn't do too much thinking for my business name. My innitials are CLR which sounds like clear. So my husband and son came up with

CLR 2 Quilt. As my son says clear the way mom is quilting! Nothing fancy!!

It was suggested to me to name the business that would be catchy but easy to remember.

Maybe try using part of your name, first or last or innitials. Have fun creating!


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When I went to Des Moine to pick up my machine Dawn Cavanaugh was there to teach the basic class. One of the things she covered was our business name. She said that you should always have quilting in the name so people know what you do right off. So avoid names like "The Hoot Owl", (that is just an example - if that is someones business name -sorry:)) So, for example you could use something that would go with quilting such as Sew-N-Sew Quilting. Or you could do something that is kind of cutesy. I selected Enchanted Quilting. I just thought it sounded right. My DH hated it and tried to get me to change it, I thought long and hard and kept coming back to Enchanted Quilting. I like it, I don't care what he thinks about it. He can name his boat;) Anyway, that's another story. Whatever you select just make sure it has quilting in the title. I have a friend that has an antique store. The name of her business is Wooden Wagon. Her machine is set up at the back of the store and she has a mini quilt store set up there too. (This friend lives at the lake). I told a neighbor of mine about it who has lived in the area all of her life - she is 83 and quilts - and she didn't even know the quilt store or quilter was there. So just plan very carefully.

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The name of my street is Garden Place, and the name of my business in Garden Place Quilting. When people hear the name, they think of some earthy, farmy kind of place:) but the reality is that it's just my street name! I do have a garden, good luck finding it amongst the weeds this year.... I agree that putting the word quilting in your business name is a good idea, because it immediately identifies what the business is about. Even something simple like "Quilting by Norece" or "Norece's Quilting" would be OK if you can't come up with anything else.

Jill Kerekes

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My name was easy. My given name is Jeanne, but no one except my Mom and Dad ever called me that. (I went by Jean). I have two foster children that call me Nini (because when we first got them, the older one couldn't say Jeanne and that is what she heard my Mom call me all the time!)

So quilts by Nini was born...

Not very exciting or clever, just a plain old name!

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I'm at home quilting so that is my name.....

At Home Quilting, but my new email address will be Bonnie@homequilting.com when I get my website up and running. it will be just Homequilting.com. Years ago my hubby was in business for himeself...so I piggy backed his name, but now on my own so new name.

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I already had an established business doing Heirloom christening gowns

and selling children's fabrics on the web. The business was named after the first gown I made for my niece Katie many years ago. The name is "Katydids".

I have had a presence on the internet for several years under my currrent name and url, so I couldn't see changing my name when I started the quilting. I just added "Quilting Services" to the title, so hopefully people can figure that out;)


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My hubby and I discussed a name and he came up with some great off-the-wall names; but it had to be mine. I piece and hand-quilt too so I wanted something that would envelope all three avenues of business. We live way out in the country so it was pretty easy, "The Country Stitcher". My name, etc is on my business card/brochure. I haven't done this yet, but want to take a photo of the front of our home because it is very country looking with a big front porch and railing. Thought I'd hang quilts on the railing and then incorporate this photo on my business card. Doing all of this is the most fun part of the business, it means it is a business!

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My husband and I already had an established business, M & S Specialty Products, LLC. M for Marvin and S for Sheryl. So when I put the quilt shop in I couldn't see going through all the legalities to have a separate business so I just simply put "Quilt Shop" on my part of the business. My sister helps me a lot and we had always joked about calling it "Twisted Sisters in Thread". Weird but cute if you only knew us.

Good luck! I'm sure it will be perfect what ever you choose.



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When I got my Milli I started thinking of a business name. It took me a few months to come up with a catchy name that did not include my name and was not sickly cute.;) So "An Expression In Thread" was born. I now have business cards, pamphlets, website. Recently, my oldest daughter came up with the idea of a static cling window decal...it is a cheap and easy way to advertise your business. Nothing to hand out and everyone that follows your vehicle is able to see your url and log on if they are interested...no phone numbers-don't not want to be contacted by just "anyone."


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Norece, I think you should name it Bill's Quilting, just to appease him. LOL

Seriously thought, what about using your town name with quilting. CottonGrove, Cotton Villa, whichever little town you live outside of. From what I can see you plan on staying there forever, and you are probably the only longarm quilter in that little town. Would that work? If not try Tall Pines Quilting, or Oak Tree Quilting, since your house is surrounded with trees.

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Norece, I think you should name it Bill's Quilting, just to appease him. LOL

Seriously thought, what about using your town name with quilting. CottonGrove, Cotton Villa, whichever little town you live outside of. From what I can see you plan on staying there forever, and you are probably the only longarm quilter in that little town. Would that work? If not try Tall Pines Quilting, or Oak Tree Quilting, since your house is surrounded with trees.

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One more thing to consider....if you plan to ever had anything to your business, or expanding what you offer, you may not want to be too specific with your name. Just a tidbit I learned from a small business class I took. My name is Needles and Pins. Pretty broad. And I am still looking to purchase my longarm. So for now I am just teaching classes and selling quilts to order. Good luck and don't pick something you don't love, just to have a name!! Tracey

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Everyone always misspells my last name. I usually joke by saying, "I'm not that celestial." So, I figured that my quilting would be celestial and that I would misspell my name myself! Hence, Stellar Stitches/Linda Steller

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My name in my head for the six months before I got my Millie was Uniquely Yours, Stitches by Bekah, but the all at once Shepherd's Garden Quilting, Etc. started rambling in my spirit and I couldn't shake it so Shepherd's Garden it is. I have no idea why that name by He does and that is all that matters. I have managed to make money with embroidery work and sewing shirts so that is why the etc.

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How did I arrive at my business name you ask? Well, I tried to say the Purple Turtle a few times, and decided that I wasn't able to say it without giggling, so I decided to go with my name. I had not heard from anyone not to use my name, and it's fairly easy to say and spell. Plus, "name recognition" was already established in our area with my DH's business - So I felt that was best for me. Besides, no one would every call me "cutsie". I'm kind of straight forward and like to keep things simple. Just my reasoning.

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Well my husband and grandchildren kinda insisted on my name. Grammie Tammie's Quilting. The grandkids call me Grammie Tammie and often say Tammie with it. Everyone gets a kick out of it. Considering that I am 42 and have 11 grandchildren( 9 by marriage) from our 5 children ( His 3 and my 2)people get a kick when they meet me and see I'm not wearing a girdle and rolled socks at the ankles. It has grown with me and I like it. I will soon have my logo made and website done now that I am relocated. Can't do it all at once. DARN. I want it to be fun and something people like coming to.

The website or business card will define your business depending on how you present it. But whatever you do HAVE FUN DOING IT.

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I don't know the laws of your state, but here in California,

if you plan to open a business, get a seller's permit etc, you

must register your business name. There is a database of

business names that are already 'taken' to avoid any

confusion with customers and creditors. Mine was easy,

I live in Ramona and I am a quilter. I was using ramona-

quilter as my 'handle' here on the forum so no brainer for me.

Since I was not using my real name in my business name,

I also had to file a Public Notice ad for a fictitious business

name "doing business as xyz". This Public Notice has to

run in a newspaper once a week for four consecutive weeks

with my name, address and business name. The bigger

papers, San Diego Tribune wanted $260 for that little ad. My

little town paper only charged me $50.

You probably need to check with your State board of

Equalization, tax office or whatever the licensing outfit

is in your state. If there is any possibility, now or in the

future, that you will charge people for your quilting

service, you should probably get licensed. The big supply

companies (Brewers Sewing, Quilters Dream) will give you

wholesale pricing but only if you give them (or fax them,

as is the case with Brewers) your tax # or seller's permit #.

Then they setup an account for you to buy wholesale. This

goes hand in glove with YOU paying the state tax quarterly

or annually. :mad: And the govt monitors that pretty closely. I

can buy thread and batting wholesale without paying tax

as long as I collect that tax from my customers in order

to send it to Arnold (Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger):cool:

If I tried to buy car parts or door knobs wholesale, a red

flag would pop up somewhere in Sacramento :(

After I got all that paperwork done, I did my brochures, logo

and business cards etc.

Good luck to you.

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Sometimes its good to have a name where the first letter is close to the beginning of the alphabet so people see it first.

My quilting business is Cotton Top Quilting (quite near the beginning of the alphabet) and I think it describes what I do exactly.

Sue in Australia

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