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nqr prayers please

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You are handling all of this so well Heidi. Remember that fear and anxiety are often expressed as anger. That may be the case with DIL's mother.

So sorry that you have had this treatment with your MIL and now DIL's mother.

Just be as close as you can to your son if you are not allowed access to your grandchild. Celebrate with him, let him talk about the birth, his feelings, hopes. Show you lots of pictures until you can see the real thing. Not pushing may relieve the MIL anxiety. Perhaps she is afraid that she will not be the "favorite" grandmother. Really it is not a competition but she does not see it that way. Shower your son with your love and acceptance and tell him what a good job he is doing as a new dad, husband, and in the way he is handling an uncomfortable situation. Strengthen your relationship with him.

I'll continue to pray.

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i always banned everyone at birth of my children. hubby and i wanted time to get acquainted with our new addition w/o having to worry about other people, no matter how well-meaning they were. we always spent 2 weeks just with the baby(ies ... yep, twins at the end) just to get to know them. Hubby's parents and my parents might not have understood our desire for this quiet time, but they respected our decision and in the end we all respected each other. did they gossip about us and our 'crazy' ideas? probably...but who cares? we got that crucial one-on-one time that we needed with each baby. off the soap box now ... there's a lifetime ahead of you to enjoy that special child. don't start out on the wrong foot. say hello to the little one at the hospital and then let son know that you'll wait for his call. no need to be a martyr, just be gracious and step out of the way. they will call you when the time is right and they will definitely appreciate your respect of their situation. ok ... seriously off the soap box now ...

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My older sister just dealt with a 2 week ban. She is 67 and this was her first grandchild. Her daughter and husband only live about 5 miles from her so she knew she would be seeing baby Liam often after the 2 weeks. Sure enough she is happy they chose to do that now. Her SIL took off work for 2 weeks and the new little family just hunkered down and got acquainted. No visitors. Since nobody was around he learned real quick about helping and they have bonded so well. It was easier for my sister though because she lives so close that she knew she would have tons of time later.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

The waiting is killing me! Still no news. we are assuming she is here and they are bonding.

do you mean your not allowed at the hospital and are waiting a call or no one has come to get you from the waiting room?????

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Bonnie, I think Heidi is at her hotel waiting for word about the baby's birth. Being respectful of the family's wishes to stay back and not flood the materity ward with lookie-loos. :) Even if she is Gramma, she needs to give them some space. Only so much oxygen in the delivery room for everyone to breath. LOL :)

Heidi, I am proud of you for being so patient and understanding. You're being awesome!!! Always take the high road. :) (((hugs))) Everything will be just fine. Your DIL will be happy. Happy mommy = happy daddy + baby = everyone is happy :)

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Bonnie, I think Heidi is at her hotel waiting for word about the baby's birth. Being respectful of the family's wishes to stay back and not flood the materity ward with lookie-loos. :) Even if she is Gramma, she needs to give them some space. Only so much oxygen in the delivery room for everyone to breath. LOL :)

Heidi, I am proud of you for being so patient and understanding. You're being awesome!!! Always take the high road. :) (((hugs))) Everything will be just fine. Your DIL will be happy. Happy mommy = happy daddy + baby = everyone is happy :)

That I can understand and respect. Even if I don't understand totally. ;)

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Heidi, just got to the forum after an absence and read this news. I am excited for you and this new little one. I am sorry you are being treated mean by your DIL mom. But good for you for being the adult in this situation. Sending a hug along with everyone else and anxiously awaiting the little one's arrival.

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OK so now I can help clear some question up.

Bonnie - we were at the hospital and could go visit DIL and son until they were ready for us to leave. I even gave DIL a sign to hold up that said "I need some Me time." LOL I wouldn't have wanted anybody but hubby in the delivery room and we all talked about that well before. They decided that they just want it to be them and I was completely good with that! I would never force my way in or make it about me at all. Her mother was actually very good about this although there were a few things that happened and she got upset. I know she was worried and so were we and I fully 100% acknowlege that everybody has to handle it their way. I would never push my way on them. Just not like that at all. Once she progressed further along we knew we would be waiting in the waiting room for a while and we also knew that it would be about an hour after she was born before we would hear anything. Son was actually pretty good about texting us to give us updates and I was so thankful for technology. After the hour we were invited to meet our most precious granddaughter. We had told son that all we would want is to see her make sure all was well and then give them their time to rest and bond. It is really one of the most special times there can be between a husband and a wife and DIL's mother and I agreed on that 100%. It was hard to leave after only 15 minutes but we did. I did tell son in a text response to his message later tonight that it was very hard to stay away knowing that there was a most precious bundle of joy only a few miles away. LOL I hope they have a restful night. it has been a long haul for them. We were at the hospital 26 hours straight! I am punch crazy at the moment and so weepy! LOL All good though it is just the way I roll. I hope we get to hold her tomorrow and just get a few minutes alone with DIL and son and not her mother. It was very hard today. There was a absolute perfect moment between mother and daughter and hubby and I just stayed over on the couch with son and talked to him about his experience. I heard DIL tell her mom that she already loved her so much. Anyway her mom was right next to her daughter and then the baby. It was just a precious picture. I asked if I could take a picture becuase I thought if it were me and my daughter I'd want to remember that moment. Well her mom said yes at first but then decided no because she had to call her hubby but really it was because she hadn't gotten out to put her make-up and get her hair rolled. I was shocked really but said nothing. I only know it was the hair and make-up because she kept talking about it in the waiting room. I just think she has no idea what she missed. Even though I don't and won't ever understand her mothers behavoir I will respect her wishes. All I ask in turn is that she doesn't treat us like we're not grandparents too and would like to just have the opportunity to have the same. My son and I talked and he said, "Mom don't worry she will not do that and you know you raised me how to stand up for myself." Yup I did.

I'm thankful to have been here and I look forward to the next 1 1/2 weeks getting a few hours here and there to cradle my granddaughter and let her know how much we already love her!

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I'm so glad you were/are there. I was concerned you had been band from the hospital. And I totally agree the delivery room wasn't a place for you to be. That should their moment only. I was in there when Siana was born but that was different. No daddy then.

I too will never understand people like your son's MIL, but glad you have figured out how to deal with her. Enjoy the next few days they will have some of your most memorable moments.

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