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Do you do this too?

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Oh and its not just the toronados, it's the collecting of more fabric, more patterns, more plastic totes to put it all in and then there is the fabric that your mother had in her stash, and you just couldn't get rid of it. AARUGH. I just had a garage sale this weekend and no one wanted all my bits so it's all being delivered to the Pregnancy Outreach group here in town that have a gal who teaches them to quilt. Perfect, now I only have 20-11 more totes to shift and move before my IQ arrives. OMG we've all got the same addiction. Love it. Happy quilting everyone. Marion in BC

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I too have mini tornadoes. I used to have a large room in the basement as my studio but then I had to downsize and basically lost the studio space. The only places big enough to house Indy was my bedroom or the living room. The LR wasn't a reasonable option, though I did try that first (I don't know why the kids didn't like trying to watch TV around her) so now we're coping with her in the attic bedroom. It would be fine really if I didn't have a bed in there too. :D I decided that I had to have it as it has the only en suite. Oh, the price we pay to let 3 kids each have their own room. So my work triangle is spread over two floors: Indy is in the bedroom, the dsm is just outside the br in an alcove (strange but it has a Velux window so natural light is good), and my rather extensive fabric stash is just at the bottom of the stairs. This means that my tornadoes do get spread all over the place. Each area is generally neat. It's other people's stuff that get in my way...:P

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I stopped using the trash can and found it easier to just snip and throw the thread and scraps on the floor, then I'll see a bunch of thread and scraps that I trailed all over the house. Then, I realize I need to clean up my sewing room. But you know, In all that mess, I KNOW where everything is. When I cleaned it up, I can't find a thing, LOL!

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My longarm room is in the basement of the store. A very nice bright room, but WHAT A MESS! It's the threads that get to my wife. One day I decided it was time to go and get the staff coffee and a treat. I came up from the basement, through the store, out the front door, through the parking lot and into the car. When I closed the car door I felt the most horrific sharp pain in my anlke and looked down and saw a ring of blood around my ankle! It was thread that was still attached from a spool of thread that was sitting on the ironing board in the basement wrapped around my ankle, All the way from the basement! My room is still a mess, but my wife loves telling that story!

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Ha hahaha So glad to know that I am not the only messy one. And I do like the term " a quilting nest".

I remember how we would put out string, yarn and the clumps of shed hair from the horses so that the birds could use them for building nests in the spring. The threads that I find everywhere would be used well by a flock of birds. I ran to the store the other afternoon after doing a lot of piecing and noticed while waiting in line at the register that the front of my shirt was covered in fabric threads.

It is a satisfying feeling to clean it all up and put supplies and tools in order....then on to planning the next project.

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I'm with JudyLyn!!! Heck no. I was just tellilng my husband that it must be nice to be Eleanor Burns. She just throws her threads over her back and it mysteriously disappears:D:D:D. I throw mine and you should see the pile:D:D:D. Oh well, I don't have any company coming anytime soon and my studio is in the basement so I don't feel like I have to have it even close to picked up:D By the time I finish my real job I don't want to spend a lot of time picking it up. I'd rather quilt some more;););)

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Judy, I love your puzzle pieces quote. I've felt that way for most of the past year. I started a remodle of my quilting basement. It had to be done in stages due to the amount of stuff down there and time avail for my SIL who was doing the parts I couldn't do by myself. Mostly done just some trim, design walls etc. and he still has to fix the heat/ac vents I cut into the ceiling. M y fabric is just piled on shelves no orgainization as yet as i still have the ceiling trim to paint above them and some still in boxes. In the midst of this my daughter has just moved in,. Had to move one of my upstairs closets into my batting closet so she would have an empty closet, wasn't sure if her 2 boys were also staying here--they are with Dad at other Gramma's nearby but will be here on weekends so had to change my office/spare room into a bedroom. Everytime I have to movess tuff it affects everywhere else. My bedroom is a disaster as it is piled with stuff with no home yet . Someday my house will again be mostly clutter free. Can't stand clutter--used to be married to a man who turned into a hoarder.

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I am laughing so hard reading this wonderful thread. My space is a disaster during a project and cleaned up after that project is finished, for an hour or so and my nests seem to be multiplying. DH is not real happy about that state of affairs.

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I have a 16x16 ft room that is a utility/spare bedroom/sewing/storage and anything else room, I can never find anything and to add to the confusion my baby is at my moms house almost 30miles away and or sewing room there is also 16x16. I take rulers and projects back and forth so much that at time I don't know which way is up and when I am quilting along with baby mom is usually pieceing and we don't have time to worry about the floor or anything else for that matter:P. We put things up usually when we run out of room to cut or we can't find a ruler. I just don't have the time to mess with the mess until I start something new.:cool: Oh and as for a design wall I pinned a plastic table cloth up with the back facing out the rough feltish kind that you get at the dollar store and the blocks will cling to it until it gets covered in loose thread then you can clean it with a lint roller a couple of time before you have to replace it. We just leave it up all the time.

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