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wide border

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I have a customer quilt with a 9" wide border (really busy fabric). she want "moderate" custom --- and we agreed on bead board for the border. My question is how wide apart would you place the beads? I will be stitching two line1/4" apart then how far before you start the next "bead"?

Oh, and to complicate things the side borders are 9" wide, the top and bottom are 4" wide.

The blocks are 12" either on a 3" or 4" grid).

I am thinking 3"....thoughts?


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My backing is really tight (we ended up sewing muslin to the sides to make sure I had something to clamp on to).

so she is concerned about pulling in too much and causing a backing issues (pretty informed customer I must say).

I plan to stabilize the entire quilt and quilt the border on the first pass. then go back and do all the center work (just to make sure I don't run out of backing !

I normally space my beads 2" apart....I was just worried about the proportion with the 9” and 4” borders. I am good with either, I have just never quilted a border this wide before. So I am a bit low on confidence. :o

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Originally posted by RitaR

I keep seeing the wide border with a curved cross hatch, or curve-angled piano keys in it. Something curved, spiral, clam shells, baptist fan, etc.

I offered cross hatch and she felt it was "too much". Swags and feathers just wont work with the overall feel of the quilt for her.

I like the idea of the wavy lines down the middle with bead board on either side. I may play with that on my acrylic sheet. Need to see how that will transition tops to sides since they are different sizes.

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