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I'm so excited!!

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After spending several years dithering over whether or not to upgrade my machine, I have taken the plunge!  I leave this afternoon for Louisville to pick up my new to me 2009 Millennium with Bliss and Quilt Glide.  What you all say about just knowing when you find the machine that's right for you is true.  I tested them all - several times - and nothing made me feel that the advantages outweighed the disadvantage of pushing a heavier machine.  I shattered my shoulder a couple of years ago and needed extensive reconstuction and so I am prone to some painful tendonitis with overuse. I always felt like I was wrestling a bear and came home happy with my easy to drive mid arm.  I put a deposit on a Nolting Pro at Mid Atlantic but just wasn't feeling as excited as I should for a purchase this big.  There was a road show the next week about an hour from my home so I decided to check out the APQS one more time before finalizing my purchase.  I had never had an opportunity to try Millie on Bliss until then. I tried the Freedom at Mid Atlantic and wasn"t impressed.  I later found out it was hooked up to the computer which gave it more drag.  What a difference it makes.  I'm getting all of the advantages I want like auto advance, a leveling bar, and better stitch quality but still feel like I'm skating on ice.  I couldn't believe that I could make this big machine go exactly where I wanted it to go the first time I touched it with no excess strain to my shoulder. When deciding whether to stick with the Nolting of go with the Millie my husband finally pointed out that I logically discussed the advantages of the Nolting (could trade in my machine, knew the company and had a good experience with them, etc.) but that my face lit up when I talked about the Millie. I was ready to go for it with a new one but checked the sale items and lo and behold lots of dealers were selling their machines because they need to upgrade to the new ones.  I found just what I was looking for and decided that 7,000 dollars was alot to pay for the new features (pretty much  a prettier color, thread sensors and a cool touchpad).   So excited to be  joining the APQS family.  I'm counting on you guys and gals to hold my hand through the learning curve, but really I don't think it's going to be too bad.  Oh, and I sold my Fun Quilter to my sister for what Nolting offered as a trade, so she got a good deal on it.



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Welcome & Congrats Claire.

I love my Freedom SR.

And, for the record, I think the old color is GREAT.

Of the new features, I think the low bobbin sensor and one button handles might make the learning curve better.

However, I have mastered them and if I can do it, ANYONE can.

I know you won't regret your decision.

And think of all the quilty goodies you can spend your saving on!!

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